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They disabled my right click!


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Help! I was wanting to copy an image (The Final/Anal Exam Picture...Hillarious!) from a website (http://PassThisOn.com/sign) and when I right clicked over it (I'm using IE 5.0), a PoP-Up message told me: "Sorry, this function is disabled. Our work is protected by several patents and copyrights"

I'm not trying to break the law or anything but this kind of sucks! Does anyone know a go-around to capture an image on a displayed website without the use of your right click? Thanks for the help!

...Just wondering if this is a sign of things to come...
Heh, this has been around for quite a while.

To bypass this, just read the source for the direct URL for the image, or use Netscape for that function.

Alien - Administrator / Owner
["Everything was true. God was an alien. Oz really is over the
rainbow. ...and Midian is where the monsters live." -Nightbreed]
Thanks a million Alien! Your suggestion worked just great. I love it when I learn new things from excellent people like yourself...thanks for sharing your knowledge--I certainly appreciate it!!
I really didn't enjoy that site, especially because of the "whack-a-mole" pop-up windows when I tried to leave. Just a pet peeve of mine.
I also didn't think the pic was THAT great, but to each his own...

I am Jack's raging inner child. Without me, Jack has to deal with the pitfalls of reality.
I thought it was funny because this must be the exam that Prober's must pass to graduate to Soldier!
I didn't think it was all that wonderful and I especially didn't like all the friggin windows that popped up when I tried to leave...

A conservative is a liberal who's been mugged.
Sorry you guys didn't think the picture was all that funny. (I hate those friggin pop-ups too!). I guess the point of my post was simply how to find a get-around on a disabled right click. Many thanks to Alien for his keen insight. Before seeing the light, I used to print screen and then edit out the picture! Thanks again Alien.

"You take the red pill and you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes."
That shows that you know better than 99% of the users out there, which is exactly who they're trying to prevent from copying that image.
Glad it worked out for you.

I am Jack's raging inner child. Without me, Jack has to deal with the pitfalls of reality.
Thanks for the words of encouragement Diesel! I felt a little silly asking but you know what they say...you don't ask--you don't receive!

"You take the red pill and you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes."