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There's winter advisories out now and it's below freezing... Tuesday it's supposed to get close to 60 degrees....then by the end of the week, more snow and back into the teens.
We have icing rain. The roads are SLICK. DH is trying to decide which will be more unpleasant: Driving SD17 back to her muther's house on the icy roads or incurring the muther's wrath. My money is on him risking his life not to have to talk to her. :lol:

It's the kind of weather that calls for a fire, a glass of wine & a book.
There's winter advisories out now and it's below freezing...tuesday it's supposed to get close to 60 degrees....then by the end of the week, more snow and back into the teens.


Welcome to Chicago!
Sounds like you south siders got hit pretty bad...way up here in the north woods not far from WI we got a little snow a little sleet and now nothing. It doesn't look that bad!
We have been iced in most of the day...it's just starting to melt...but several schools have posted 2 hour delays for tomorrow already...
We're supposed to get some sort of "wintry mix" tomorrow. :surrender:
Wednesday is when we're expected to get close to 60 - but with heavy rain.
even if we get 1/8th of ice it could be enough to damage some power lines
52F |
Mostly Cloudy
Wind: N at 4 mph
Humidity: 43
Sun - 61 45
Mon - 59 46
Tue - 63 50
Wed - 70 55
There's winter advisories out now and it's below freezing...tuesday it's supposed to get close to 60 degrees....then by the end of the week, more snow and back into the teens.

WOW it's almost like we're neighbors :)
I think I would rather have your weather. It's going to be really stormy here the next few days. REALLY STORMY!

DH's sister is coming to visit.

It's the first hurricane of the season.

Hurricane Ann.

And she usually leaves total destruction by the time she slides back up the coast to NY!!!
Light snow has started falling.
Supposed to turn to sleet/freezing rain later in the day. I'm thinking of leaving work early - we'll see.

40's tomorrow
50's with lots of rain Wednesday
low 30's on Friday

We're all gonna be sick.
This means another winter with no safe ice skating for us. A real bummer. No cross country skiing either. I guess we can still look at the forest preserve and pond behind us, but it sure would be nice to be out enjoying it. Another dissappointing winter. Our Texas relatives have had more snow than us two winters in a row. So bummed . . .
Local schools are having early dismissal. High School out at 10:30am and Elem. & Middle at out 11:30am. What's the point of dragging them into school for such a short time and you're sending them home once it's already started snowing? :duh:

Yes, you can expect lots of weather related ****ing from me today. Bad enough it's a Monday but it's a "wintry mix" Monday. :surrender:
Local schools are having early dismissal. High School out at 10:30am and Elem. & Middle at out 11:30am. What's the point of dragging them into school for such a short time and you're sending them home once it's already started snowing? :duh:

Yes, you can expect lots of weather related ****ing from me today. Bad enough it's a Monday but it's a "wintry mix" Monday. :surrender:

So it counts as a :quotes:day:quotes: that the students attended. The students have to attend a certain number of days for the schools to receive certain funding.
We've now moved on to the sleet/freezing rain portion of the day. Glad I wasn't planning on going home for lunch.
tons of school closings...roads must have been slush and ice

temps supposed to drop on weds from rain back to snow
tons of school closings...roads must have been slush and ice

temps supposed to drop on weds from rain back to snow and I still have an avatar that is revolting to all who see it

Fixed that for you ;)
Seems to be plain old rain right now. Will probably stay at work until around 4:15. I came in early and didn't go home for lunch so I have some extra time to use. Hopefully my driveway isn't too slippery.

Looking forward to Spring!