Do yo have a twitter account, might be wise to check the settings to remove any strange "connections" that you may see, also a password change every now and then is always good.
Hacked Twitter accounts are selling briskly on Russian cybercriminal forums, with fraud artists and spammers paying between $100 and $200 for batches of 1,000 accounts, depending on number of followers the accounts have, according to a Russian security researcher.
Even one successful hacked tweet from the account of a trusted user can have serious repercussions, especially if the bogus tweet is "retweeted" by followers to still more people. Typically, between 10 percent and 20 percent of people will click a link sent by a trusted source.
The illicit Twitter trade is being conducted on Russian-language, members-only cybercriminal forums, Raiu says. No aggregate numbers of stolen accounts are available. But based on the fact that accounts are offered in batches of 1,000, it's reasonable to conclude that tens of thousands or more accounts might be for sale worldwide, Raiu says. Twitter has more than 75 million members, of which about 10 million to 15 million send out tweets regularly.