I was wondering what other people thought of this guy? Since the attacks on the WTC & Pentagon, I've been really impressed with his fire. He seemed more saddened and angry about the attacks then our own politicians! I like his thoughts on not just pulling out of Afghanistan once we're done with the Taliban... but staying to help to establish a new government, etc.
Since the tragic events, I've heard Brits referring to Tony Blair "the American President", and terming George W "The Commander in cheif". That is, what they've always criticized about the USA -- having a "talking head" leader teeming with rhetoric, is more apparent in Blair now, while Bush is staying low, surrounding himself with good advisors and avoiding political jargon. My friends in great Britain all tell me that they are very impressed with Bush, commend him greatly, and actually feel the opposite way that you seem to.
The only person in this whole mess that I've gained any respect for is Rudy Giuliani. I haven't been impressed with either Bush or Blair - but especially Blair. When is the British government, especially, going to realise that sucking up to the Arabs does not work? He's just been told to 'go jump' again by pretty much all of the Arab leaders, AND this time, as well, Ariel Sharon. It doesn't seem that he's getting the message.