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Top 10 List


Chief Talker
PF Member
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With this game, someone will post a question and everyone follows with one answer at a time. Once all 10 answers are posted then someone asks a new question and the top 10 game begins again.

For example: What ten items can one person find in their friend's dresser drawers?

Next person would respond. 1. Socks

ok now here's the question:

What 10 things would an alien do if he were stuck alone on earth?
ah, always count on one-track-mind prox :tongue:

9. attempt to be taken to a leader of some sort
8. Take the form of David Copperfield, peform some magic tricks, and marry a supermodel totally out of his league.
7. take the form of dennis rodman, attain superstardom, and then vanish from the public radar (probably heading home)

...can we post more than once on each list? is that against the rules? :tongue:
6. Take a trip to Rachel, Nevada where he will join the circus as a side-show freak.

Monsieurjohn> I just don't want someone posting all top ten at a time. It kinda takes away the fun of people being able to come up with something. So one at a time, please ;D However, you can answer again for the same question after someone else has had a chance.
5. Move to California and become a Hippie

4. Become the new alien star in the new Men In Black movie.
2. Meet up with Anna Nicole Smith for an alien reunion.
1. Find an old record player, poke some holes in a disc, add some kind of speaker like device and phone home and a pizza to go.

Ok it's now someone else's turn to ask a question for the next top ten list :)
top ten things you'd do on your hundredth birthday

...in honor of bob hope :balloons:
9. Drive across the county in a golf cart
8. Go Flying and defy gravity, if even only for a little bit
Dan> :lol:

6. Shave my head and get a tattoo of Johnny Carson on my behind ;D
5. get a new pair of dentures and eat an entire cake. chocolate, probably
3. Hook up with Strom Thurmond and Joan Rivers for a little "Centigenarian three-way" action.