Top senator: Spying will stop


Hanging Out!
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President Obama says the administration will review "how our intelligence operates outside the country."
Oh my GOD, this moron can do NOTHING but lie, lie, lie, lie. If his lips are moving, he's LYING. He "didn't know" about this, it's Bush's fault, anything to attempt to remove any accountability from himself. What a traitorous criminal the ****traitor is. Not only did he KNOW about all of it, it's my guess it was HIS idea!
Anyone who supports this psychopath is as guilty of treason as Oblamer himself. Unbelievable.
The spying isn't going to stop, they're just going to find ways to be more discreet about it.
The spying isn't going to stop, they're just going to find ways to be more discreet about it.

ABSOLUTELY!! I swear, the people in office believe that we are just as dumb as a stump. It's rather obvious that if you can't be a pathological, constant liar, you can't be a politician. Spying will stop around the same time I become a liberal. NEVER GONNA HAPPEN. It's rather insulting how stupid they think we are.
They've got to be stupid themselves to believe that the entire world cannot see past their lies.