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Trading Spouses (Christians)


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[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, Serif]...need better PR representatives.
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[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, Serif]Anybody see this show "Trading Spouses" last night? WHOA!!! Basically they take the mom from two families and switch them. Of course they pick opposites in some way for dramatic effect... a Black family and a white family, a health conscious family and a junkfood-couch potato family... you get the idea. WELL, last night they had a Christian family and a New Age spiritual family switch off.
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[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, Serif]Any guesses to what happened? [/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, Serif][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, Serif]Basically the New Age family came off as centered, tolerant, openminded. The Christian family came off as loving, if not a bit closed off to other spiritual beliefs. But the MOTHER of the Christian family... TOTALLY FLIPPED HER FREAKIN WIG!!! Screaming and hollering about "the Devil's work" and "darksided stuff". No lie, and no exaggeration... this woman was the scariest thing on the show. She frightened me more than anything I've seen on TV since Bush's inauguration. [/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, Serif][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, Serif]Anybody who was on the fence about whether or not Christians are fanatics - if they watched this show... they've definitely made their minds up now! LOL! [/FONT]
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[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, Serif]If you want the official recap, you can check it out here...[/FONT]
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NotJus4NE1 said:

[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, Serif]Anybody who was on the fence about whether or not Christians are fanatics - if they watched this show... they've definitely made their minds up now! LOL!

Anyone who is "on the fence about whether or not Christians are fanatics" would do better to get their information about Christians by going to church with them, spending time with them, and observing the way they live their lives. Watching "Trading Spouses" is not really want I would call research. ;)
I never saw the show however I did read what you had posted from Fox.

Firstly anyone appearing on a show called "Trading Spouses" is a bit off anyhow. Secondly, the "Christian" woman is not that highly educated and I feel was victimized by the producers just for the sake of ratings.

As Christians we are taught that all that hocus pocus like Ouija boards and praying to anything other than the true God is not acceptable in our everyday practice. This woman who obviously is not educated in the ways of the world reacted like most uneducated, uninformed women would react.

Not all Christians would have given such an Oscar performance and that is why she was the "chosen" one. She is more to be pitied than laughed at in my opinion.

I am also aware that any uneducated, uninformed , anti-Christians who watched this show would respond just as you did by posting such nonsense. That is how the "dark side" works. Reach out to the feeble minded and have them preach the gospel according to Satan. It is their demonic attempt to tear away the very fiber of "Christianity". Holy water burns too when sprinkled on those possessed!
I hear you Nova and I totally agree.

Now Anglorish, I've seen many opinions and point of views on the boards that I may not agree with, but never once have I disrespected anyone as I feel you have done me. You don't know me, so your comment about beings of uneducated, uninformed and nonsense are totally uncalled for. Everyone has the right to an opinion and it doesn't matter if you agree with or not. Tact is a very nice trait to have, why do you find some and use it.
Lashing out and trying to smear Christians is one way of recruiting disciples for the anti-Christian movement. They glean pleasure at knowing that there will be those out there in TV Land who will look at this show and run with the idea that Christians are fanatical. They continue to survive because of those who buy into their propaganda and spread it around Willy-nilly on the Net.

Anyone with half a brain would have realized that it was only a show and it was definitely not a true prediction of what Christianity is all about. For those not able to differentiate between a show and reality, the Christian bashers depend on them to spread their anti-Christian beliefs far and wide. I am confident that on many forums in cyber-space today many anti-Christian followers are spreading the word as gospel and directing those who had not seen the show to the Fox link as proof to back their derogatory statements concerning "Christians".
Nova I have to disagree with you sorry!!!

Many people would watch that and think that most are like that, because they'd be too lazy to check good christains out and would rather sit infront of the tv watching crappy stuff like that...

no offence but stuff like that iratates me

Everyone please try to calm down, and refrain from personal attacks.

NotJus4NE1 never attacked anyone, and was merely stating an opinion. She is entitled to that opinion. Please be careful, as I feel you have come dangerously close to insulting her directly, and as you know, that is not allowed on our site.

NotJus4NE1: Irish is a very good writer, and technically, never insulted you directly. I do see it as an indirect insult, however, and I can certainly understand you feeling that he attacked you directly. You did, however, attack him directly, and all we ask is that you please don't attack people directly in the future.

Let's stop this before it gets ugly. If either of you feel that I was too hard on you, I apologize. I am just trying to be fair to both parties involve. It was not my intention to chastise either of you, but rather to address a problem that arose between two members of my "Internet Family".

I hope that both of you can simply put this behind, and move forward. I value every member of BashAnything.com, and I value those who post twice as much! I don't want to lose either of you. :)
Nightwolf04 said:
Nova I have to disagree with you sorry!!!
Don't be sorry! ;)

Nightwolf04 said:
Many people would watch that and think that most are like that, because they'd be too lazy to check good christains out and would rather sit infront of the tv watching crappy stuff like that...

no offence but stuff like that iratates me
Nightwolf, I agree with your assessment, but I think it extremely unfair. Does that mean if I watch a television show depicting African Americans as thieves, I would be justified in thinking all African Americans steal?

So, yes, I agree with you that many people do watch something like this, and do think most Christians are like this, but I also share Irish's outrage, and I think it is completely wrong.
GoingNova said:

Nightwolf, I agree with your assessment, but I think it extremely unfair. Does that mean if I watch a television show depicting African Americans as thieves, I would be justified in thinking all African Americans steal?

I don't think you'd be justified, but I think Nightwolf's point is that some people actually DO form their opinions that way. I believe it is a rare event though, and I agree that anyone who wants to debate the "are christians fanatics?" question should indeed try attending church functions and talking with ORDINARY christians, not crazy christians on crappy reality TV.
I've run into both types of Christians, when I was at the point that I was a Christian I had an excellent pastor there to talk to me about the beliefs and it was through those talks that I decided it just wasn't for me, the problem is that while there are 4 tolerant Christens for every intolerant/belligerent one it's the intolerant ones that make the largest impact on the people they talk to.
Nova I am far from upset with you and your comment on my comment to NotJust4NE1. If she feels insulted I am afraid that is on her not me. I stand behind my comment that anyone who forms a negative opinion about Christians based on a mindless television show then prints it as gospel is aiding those who oppose Christian beliefs.

I am not saying that Not Just is anti-Christian nor am I saying she is doing anything other than voicing her opinion:
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, Serif]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, Serif]Christians need better PR reps for real!
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, Serif]Anybody who was on the fence about whether or not Christians are fanatics - if they watched this show... they've definitely made their minds up now! LOL![/FONT]
but I am saying that this is exactly what anti-Christian groups thrive upon. They depend upon those who can be easily brained washed;upon those "on the fence people" who will view such nonsense as reality; and upon others to get that message out there and spread their evil across the region.

Furthermore, as a Christian, I have seen our Ten Commandments ripped from the hallowed halls of justice, of schools, of public places; I have witnessed Christmas reduced to "Happy Holidays"; I have heard non Christians refuse to allow the word "God" be used in Texts and schools and I have heard their demand that it be removed from the Pledge of Allegiance. I have been exposed to Christian bashing while the non Christians call us fanatical; I have seen non Christians demonstrate against Christians; heard them praise Allah: witnessed the beheading Christians and Christian school children by non Christians.

God forbid a Christian speaks out against a Muslim; God forbid a Christian refuse to refrain from saying "Merry Christmas" and risk insulting the very people who want to destroy our religion; God forbid a Christian object to anti-Christian propaganda as in doing so is deemed politically incorrect.

She frightened me more than anything I've seen on TV since Bush's inauguration
NotJust it was a show! Hopefully not many people formed an opinion about Christians by watching it. If they did jump to the conclusion that Christians are fanatical based on this unstable "actress" then I stand behind my statement that uninformed, uneducated people watching the show and responding negatively to Christians are fodder for anti-Christian groups and pawns for spreading their propaganda!
Not going there! I know what IRISH is like when he gets on his relgious kick. I learned that a long time ago. Interesting comments from everyone though!
I know I saw that show and I hate that woman. Forgive me but she is fat and buck tooth **** and has no right to make fun of alternate ways and I'm Catholic. These are the whack jobs that the Church should separate themselves from. They give everyone in that religion a bad name. She blows up all the time; she needs some anger management. I bet after that bovine had kids she had her husband neutered since he doesn't seem to speak up, get angry, or not agree with her at all. Seriously that guy is the "****" in the house. Also did you see the look of the kids faces in the end when she blew up? They were terrified of her. I bet when they get older they are going to get as much distance from her as possible. I know I would. I also think the way that 22 year old was controlling her teen age sister was wrong. She should not be dishing orders like that at her. One day that 22 year old will probably become a wacko like her mom.
True enough Chris the woman was most definitely a head case! She was exploited though by the show. They must have known she was unstable but they used her for ratings in my opinion.
Or at the least she needs professional help. I feel sorry for her kids!
I know they are either going to turn into nut cases like her, grow up hating her, or eventually they will rebel against her and leave her.
Hopefully they won't abandon her. With any luck they can get help to realize that their mother is mentally unwell and is more to be pitied than laughed at.
i'm glad they showed this woman, yes they may have did it for ratings, however it also showed the intolerence of some Christians, i have run into many Christians like her, and it made me dislike Christians alot, my views have since changed but at least them showing how she is may make Christians that are not like her understand why some people dislike Christians because that is the type they have delt with and have steriotyped all Christians that way. then maybe the ones that are not like her will be more willing to reach out and show what Christianity is really about.