Tragic proof that MTV only appeals to the LCD


Expert Talker
PF Member
Morons like that kid ruin everything for the rest of us. geez. what kind of moron would set himself on fire? i mean, common. even cavemen wouldn't do that.

He who laughs last, thinks slowest.
I saw that episode. The dude sat naked in a kiddie-pool filled with steak marinade, and steaks. Then they did indeed barbecue the guy - and the worst thing is, that they all did sit around and eat their, um, "barbecue".


And the copycat kid didn't die? Pity.

My knob tastes funny.
MTV = Moron TeleVision, nuff said.

I can't stand MTV anymore, I used to watch MTV all the time before they got into the Real World, Road Rules, boy-groups & other non-REAL-Music related stuff(I mean poop but I'll be good)...Really, Johnny Knoxville's show belongs on Comedy Central not MTV.
