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TV Shows made into movies?

The Future

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Do you like tv shows made into movies like The Simpsons?
Yeah I do aswell. I loved the simpsons movie and the athf movie.
Depenhds on the TV show and the movie. Cant think of many of the top of my head that I enjoyed. Hated Miami Vice... Simpsons movie was ok. I'll prob come back on this one...
Yeah, it's pretty cool. I liked The Simpsons Movie but I don't like the TV show.
depends on the show and how the show is turn into a movie. as long as a cartoon remains cartoon then it's fine being made into a movie. If a cartoon is made into a live action movie it is going to suck.
yes.because the movie part is awesome.just like the prisonbreak tv show made into movie and the movie was so awesome.