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U.S. Allowing Syrian Refugees


Established Talker
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Georgia, USA
So, what are your thoughts on the allowing of Syrian Refugees into the United States? Latest intelligence states that Honduras has "terrorists" being held who were impersonating Syrian Refugees trying to get into the U.S. Latest news states that the screening for refugees will take 18-24 months per person, yet where will they stay while they are being screened? My thoughts are that the U.S. has so many soldiers, veterans, and kids that are already homeless yet they're going to allow refugees into our country give them homes with utilities and free food while our own people are screwed. I don't like it one bit.
Looks like our friendly congress is working very hard in order to stop more from getting into the states. I'm not fully aware of the problem but it sounds like there is too many people to really take in.
I'm not against helping someone that really needs help but I do have one problem with it. I wouldn't put it past ISIS to sneak some of their members into that group of refugees and next thing you know, we've got ISIS running around the U.S. reeking havoc. I'm not trying to sound cold hearted towards the refugees.....I wouldn't put it past ISIS to use some form of trickory.
I'm against it. They destroyed their own nation and now they're on their way here. The way I see it is we have enough of our problems. We have homeless, poor, and vets who still can't even get proper care. Why would we take a whole bunch of refugee and dump them in a welfare system that's already about to burst at its seams? Worst case scenario we bring in terrorists, best case scenario we put America in further debt that we didn't need. Neither scenario is ideal or fair.
Seraph said:
I'm against it. They destroyed their own nation and now they're on their way here. The way I see it is we have enough of our problems. We have homeless, poor, and vets who still can't even get proper care. Why would we take a whole bunch of refugee and dump them in a welfare system that's already about to burst at its seams? Worst case scenario we bring in terrorists, best case scenario we put America in further debt that we didn't need. Neither scenario is ideal or fair.

This is another reason why I'm not really for it. America is already in a ton of debt that is growing by the week. How can we afford to take care of the helpless from other countries whenever we can't even take care of the helpless we already have here?