Updated Pictures:)


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Well, other than my belly pictures, I really haven't taken any new photos recently, so yesterday I rectified that!





And last but not least....
39.5 weeks pregnant.
Due yesterday with NO signs of labor -_-

You literally have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen????
And you're lovely.

And I really hope your baby decides to check out soon for you! :P
Aw thank you:D<3

Lmao still no baby:(

I went to bed last night feeling like I was going to go into labor.
Had a bunch of pre-labor symptoms but alas.

I woke up this morning feeling like I'd regressed instead of progressed.=/
If it weren't for still having a belly, I'd almost think I wasn't even pregnant:( lol
Thank you lovelies:)
I look forward to showing you all her beautiful face.....You know.
When she decides to make an appearance.

Or just when the doctors give her no choice but to come out on Wednesday. xD
Wow, you are beautiful! I really love your eyes!
Good luck with the baby and everything! Hope he/she pops out soon for ya. ^^
ahaha thank you:)<3

And yes!
Not as much now as I'm so close to labor, movement slows down a lot.
There were days a few weeks ago though where she would move around so much I'd start feeling like it was churning my stomach because it was just constant for hours.
My mom told me once I turned over in her stomach and I knocked her sick because she actually felt my whole body turn over. Pregnancy really scares me, I commend you lmao.
Ahaha it's certainly true that not all side effects with pregnancy are pleasant. Some of the unpleasant ones though at least are interesting/neat.
And then there are the ones that are just plain unpleasant. No way around it. xD
Thank you for sharing this magical time with us. I hope your baby arrives soon and we can welcome her into her new world. :cool:
Ahaha it's certainly true that not all side effects with pregnancy are pleasant. Some of the unpleasant ones though at least are interesting/neat.
And then there are the ones that are just plain unpleasant. No way around it. xD

Haha! Well, kudos to you. At this point in my life I am terrified of having children, pregnancy being one of the fears. Can't help but get a bit freaked out by all of those screaming people on TV shows when they have kids. x3

Anyway, I can't wait to see photos of her. She is going to be beautiful, just like her momma! :)
Yeah, I'm so scared about having kids in the future! My mum had me when she was 19 and got pregnant at 18, I can't imagine having a kid at that age! It terrifies me to the core, haha! But I do really want kids one day. :3

I hope the little one behaves when she pops out. ^^ Good luck!