I smell that I am placing undesirable body parts in the open again and will probably be on the receiving end of some forthcoming flames. I go forward though as some things are just more important.
Originally posted by possum37:
I also know that I can't be trusted with a firearm
Well it takes 1 helluva person to publicly admit that, and that in itself indicates to me that you may indeed be responsible enough to manage 1. I commend you for your honesty.
Originally posted by possum37:
I'm not sure my simply purchasing a gun truly supports the Second Ammendment
It won't, unless the time comes for refreshing the tree of liberty (which history 100% supports the time will come). It is sort of a safeguard, like a fire extinguisher or seatbelt. You can be violent with those items as well if you so desired. Have you misused those lately?
Originally posted by possum37:
that is what I'll have to live - or die - with.
You will die, but are you willing to live a slave?
Originally posted by possum37:
But the circle of violence will end with me one way or another - I refuse to respond to violence with a continuation of violence
Well the number 1 thing is to stay out of the way of violence, but sometimes it is just not possible. The only way to curtail this scenario is for there to be enough history that criminals KNOW that any act of violence will probably have undesirable ramifications for them. Sheep are easy prey for the wolves.
Originally posted by possum37:
It's indeed a tragedy when the government abuses you, but how truly tragic when your response to the abuse makes you violate yourself.
No, it's truly a tragedy when people tolerate the corruption and abuse and THE PEOPLE allow it continue. THAT is what is the true tragedy IMHO.
Originally posted by possum37: Hope you didn't take any of that the wrong way, Pyroxy...
Absolutely not, you responded VERY coherently and didn't come off as 1 bit weird here.
Originally posted by possum37: Thank you for the links though - I ended up listening to that station for hours last night.
Well I am going to start a new thread once I have a bit of info in order. In the mean time listen to those shows and block out the extreme religious stuff if it is not suited to your taste, there is MUCH good information on those channels and you will learn from them.
There are 3 ports that I get my information from. Port 8000 is the main station. Tune port 8010 @ 3PMEDST and 8006 from 6-8EDST, I GUARANTEE you that you will learn and will become motivated if you listen to what is REALLY happening in America today.
Thank you so very much for caring about our country! You are obviously not of the "sheeple" mold that is so common today.
Is it time for another Tea Party?