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US Soldier Faces Sentencing for Kosovo Murder


Mastermind Talker
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Kinda akin to the "U.S. kills another foreigh child thread" at http://www.aliensoup.com/ubb/Forum33/HTML/000020.html

This 36-year-old Ohio native U.S. Staff Sergeant Frank Ronghi pleaded guilty late on Friday to the sodomy and premeditated murder of an ethnic Albanian girl in Kosovo. What a piece of work.

Why are we doing this?!? Aren't we supposed to be Americans? Isn't the word "American" supposed to stand for something upright and decent? How did we fall so low?

My knob tastes funny.
Just look at the examples we're given. I mean, violent movies/tv/music are one thing - if you don't know those aren't reality, then you have a problem. But, corrupt police officers, adulturous presidents, etc. It's not an excuse or anything, but that may be part of the reason

Why are we doing this?!? Aren't we supposed to be Americans? Isn't the word "American" supposed to stand for something upright and decent? How did we fall so low?

You know, Hobbes, some days even my lucky rocketship underpants don't help. - Calvin
At one point in time, being American stood for something good, but now...it's a different story. I'm almost ashamed to say I'm an American at times. And then a New Yorker on top of that?! Geez...it's sad.

A conservative is a liberal who's been mugged.
Does anyone really care? What are you willing to do to make a change? I can provide information that will enlighten you to the ONLY solution to all this deviation from what America should be and what we should be doing if anyone is interested and up to the challenge.

Let me forwarn you, it is not for the weak at heart.



Is it time for another Tea Party?
Ok, you've piqued our interests...

You just better not point us to http://www.scientology.org/home.html

Seriously...part of my anger is probably due to the fact that I don't really see options available to me.

My knob tastes funny.
Hrm..we could start an Alien Soup revolution and overthrow the government. Alien can rule in anarchy

You know, Hobbes, some days even my lucky rocketship underpants don't help. - Calvin
-- U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Frank Ronghi sentenced to life without
parole in a military court for killing girl in Kosovo.

A conservative is a liberal who's been mugged.
For now listen to this and learn:
From 5-7CDST http://ns2.misproductions.com:8006/
then from 8-12CDST http://ns2.misproductions.com:8000/
Open from WITHIN WinAmp

I will try to get more information on what you can do to help your country and restore liberty to this great land of ours. You had to accept my offer and get me started... AGAIN ! <G>
I don't mind if just 1 person can/will become motivated as a result of my efforts. Unfortunately most people just don't care enough to act.



Is it time for another Tea Party?

Interesting channel...although I'm not sure owning a gun is the right answer for me.

My knob tastes funny.
Originally posted by possum37:
Interesting channel...although I'm not sure owning a gun is the right answer for me.

Hitler would love you for not wanting protection<G>
Please study the history of disarming the peasants before you take that stand my friend. That is 1 of the major steps that has led up to very undesirable circumstances for the peoples throughout history.



Is it time for another Tea Party?
Don't get me wrong, I agree with you, he would, unfortunately. I also know that I can't be trusted with a firearm - I would be too tempted to use it every time I saw a shadow, heard a bump in the night, got cut off in traffic...I'm not sure my simply purchasing a gun truly supports the Second Ammendment, as I wouldn't be in a well-regulated militia...if I did purchase a gun, to stay true to what the founding fathers intended, I should purchase an inaccurate muzzle-loading musket instead of a weapon of mass destruction that is now commonly available...and I'm also not sure I could live with myself saying that the ends justified the means. I believe that the means are every bit as important as the ends, and if that means allowing others to trample on my rights, that is what I'll have to live - or die - with. But the circle of violence will end with me one way or another - I refuse to respond to violence with a continuation of violence, no matter how much I may desire to. To do so would be to violate who and what I am. It's indeed a tragedy when the government abuses you, but how truly tragic when your response to the abuse makes you violate yourself.

Hope you didn't take any of that the wrong way, Pyroxy...just trying to sort my thoughts out way too early in the morning, and I'm sure I came off a little weird (as opposed to my usually coming off as a *lot* weird
). Thank you for the links though - I ended up listening to that station for hours last night.

My knob tastes funny.
I smell that I am placing undesirable body parts in the open again and will probably be on the receiving end of some forthcoming flames. I go forward though as some things are just more important.

Originally posted by possum37:
I also know that I can't be trusted with a firearm
Well it takes 1 helluva person to publicly admit that, and that in itself indicates to me that you may indeed be responsible enough to manage 1. I commend you for your honesty.

Originally posted by possum37:
I'm not sure my simply purchasing a gun truly supports the Second Ammendment
It won't, unless the time comes for refreshing the tree of liberty (which history 100% supports the time will come). It is sort of a safeguard, like a fire extinguisher or seatbelt. You can be violent with those items as well if you so desired. Have you misused those lately?

Originally posted by possum37:
that is what I'll have to live - or die - with.
You will die, but are you willing to live a slave?

Originally posted by possum37:
But the circle of violence will end with me one way or another - I refuse to respond to violence with a continuation of violence
Well the number 1 thing is to stay out of the way of violence, but sometimes it is just not possible. The only way to curtail this scenario is for there to be enough history that criminals KNOW that any act of violence will probably have undesirable ramifications for them. Sheep are easy prey for the wolves.

Originally posted by possum37:
It's indeed a tragedy when the government abuses you, but how truly tragic when your response to the abuse makes you violate yourself.
No, it's truly a tragedy when people tolerate the corruption and abuse and THE PEOPLE allow it continue. THAT is what is the true tragedy IMHO.

Originally posted by possum37: Hope you didn't take any of that the wrong way, Pyroxy...
Absolutely not, you responded VERY coherently and didn't come off as 1 bit weird here.

Originally posted by possum37: Thank you for the links though - I ended up listening to that station for hours last night.
Well I am going to start a new thread once I have a bit of info in order. In the mean time listen to those shows and block out the extreme religious stuff if it is not suited to your taste, there is MUCH good information on those channels and you will learn from them.

There are 3 ports that I get my information from. Port 8000 is the main station. Tune port 8010 @ 3PMEDST and 8006 from 6-8EDST, I GUARANTEE you that you will learn and will become motivated if you listen to what is REALLY happening in America today.

Thank you so very much for caring about our country! You are obviously not of the "sheeple" mold that is so common today.



Is it time for another Tea Party?
Originally posted by Pyroxy:
I smell that I am placing undesirable body parts in the open again and will probably be on the receiving end of some forthcoming flames.

I'd hope you *wouldn't* get flamed - a well thought-out and well-presented argument shouldn't be flamebait...and if anyone *does* flame ya, I'll back you right up!

There are 3 ports that I get my information from. Port 8000 is the main station. Tune port 8010 @ 3PMEDST and 8006 from 6-8EDST, I GUARANTEE you that you will learn and will become motivated if you listen to what is REALLY happening in America today.

Thank you so very much for caring about our country! You are obviously not of the "sheeple" mold that is so common today.

Ports, eh? Ummm, yeah, what he said...

To be honest, I'm not quite sure how to do that. Previously I just clicked on the links you put up, and it opened up my Sonique media player...I'm not sure I know how to switch ports (although I *do* know where the Help tab is...)

And Pyroxy - thank *you*. You should post more often, man...you've always got something thought-provoking to say -- the board & this thread in particular would benefit by hearing more from you.

My knob tastes funny.
Okay, here's my stand on guns: They don't kill people; people kill people. I mean, if you're stupid enough to use a gun if you're not hunting or in self-defense, then you deserve whatever punishment you get. I mean, look at all the kids shooting kids. My mom's had a gun for as long as I can remember. She never hid it from me, never locked it up, etc. She told me that I wasn't supposed to touch it unless someone tried to break into the house or something, and I didn't. I think if people were educated more on guns, etc., then we wouldn't have so freaking much to worry about.

You know, Hobbes, some days even my lucky rocketship underpants don't help. - Calvin
Originally posted by possum37:
Ports, eh? Ummm, yeah, what he said...
To be honest, I'm not quite sure how to do that. Previously I just clicked on the links you put up, and it opened up my Sonique media player...I'm not sure I know how to switch ports (although I *do* know where the Help tab is...)
If you can open an address from within your player, just change the "8000" on the end of those links to the respective port you want, eg: "8006"
I recommend you get WinAmp, you can open a specific address as well as add bookmarks in it.

Originally posted by possum37:
And Pyroxy - thank *you*. You should post more often, man...you've always got something thought-provoking to say -- the board & this thread in particular would benefit by hearing more from you.
You are quite welcome. I am just making an effort to wake people up because once they wake up they have a tendency to become motivated themselves.
I still plan on opening a new thread to hopefully motivate and provide more information for the "sheeple"

For now peek at this and ask yourself why are the Romanian and Bulgarian military in the US constructing detention camps in Mississippi?
There are 4 pages of photos for the above

There is 1 page of photos for this 1



Is it time for another Tea Party?