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USA Removes Itself From UNESCO


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The U.S. withdrew funding after the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization's Palestine membership vote yesterday. The decision was triggered by a 1994 US law that requires financial ties to be cut with any UN agency that accords the Palestinians full membership. As Palestine actively pursues entrance to other UN agencies, the defunding list could grow. Interestingly, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) could also be among Palestine's next target, and U.S. is the big supporter of WIPO. A much more disturbing scenario is Palestine joining the International Atomic Energy Agency, cutting American funding to the organization that monitors nuclear proliferation in states like Iran."
Why on Earth did they sign this into law in 1994? Didn't they anticipate the possibility that a Palestinian nation could become a reality in the future?

US influence is generally overrated, but if the US chooses to isolate itself over such issues, then it will only increase economical troubles for the USA.

For instance, cutting off funding of the UNESCO will now have an impact on educational, scientifical and cultural exchanges with other countries.

If other UN agencies are affected as well, then the USA could further lose influence across the globe, and become a potentially negligible asset for global investors.

The IAEA will continue without US funding as well ... Iran already has nuclear power plants from Russia, and could probably purchase nuclear weapons technology from China or India/Pakistan under IAEA supervision when US influence has vanished.

I wonder what a world without US influence would look like.

But there's still the problem how the USA will repay their 14 trillion dollar debt to the IMF. Since China and India are the two largest funding parties of the IMF, what will they want in return?