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Vatican Issues 10 Commandments For Drivers: Don't Drink, Don't Kill, and Pray


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VATICAN CITY — Got road rage? The Vatican on Tuesday issued Ten Commandments for drivers, telling motorists to be charitable to others on the highway, to refrain from drinking and driving, and to pray you make it before you even buckle up.

An unusual document from the Vatican's office for migrants and itinerant people also warned that automobiles can be "an occasion of sin" — particularly when used to make a dangerous overtaking maneuver or when used by prostitutes and their clients.

It warned about the effects of road rage, saying driving can bring out "primitive" behavior in motorists, including "impoliteness, rude gestures, cursing, blasphemy, loss of sense of responsibility or deliberate infringement of the highway code."

Cardinal Renato Martino, who heads the office, told a news conference that the Vatican felt it necessary to address the pastoral needs of motorists because driving had become such a big part of contemporary life.

He cited World Health Organization statistics that said an estimated 1.2 million people are killed in road crashes each year and as many as 50 million are injured.

"That's a sad reality, and at the same time, a great challenge for society and the church," he said.

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It should apply to any form of person on the road.

When riding my bike, I make sure not to be in a bad mood, one bad mood can cause me to end up in a car when I shouldn't be
I think it's a good idea and a case of applied theology! :)
I think that's great! It's a real problem in today's society and the Church is addressing it. People really need to be curteous to each other on the road, there's no reason for all the aggression behind the wheel.

Can't we all just get along? :nod:
haha I wish we could all just get along.

Unfortunetly both bike and car testing is way too easy to pass (yes, yes I know some people had to re-take their test and such forth!). I've done my bike test, aka the cbt it's called in england. It's a day test and it basically teaches you to go forward, U-turn and not to get yourself killed on the road.

A car test teaches you similar things, but neither on address being ''nice'' to another person, once a person has done their car test they are valid to have that lisecnce the rest of their lives.

With bikes after two years you have to RE-TAKE your cbt.

Now what should apply, well from what I've seen:

Older people SHOULD be tested regularly, why? because as you get older your responses arent as quick and I've even heard of one of my mates nannys being in a car and not being able to remember where their house is WHILE driving, yet she's perfectly legal to drive in the countries eyes.

People should be tested once every a couple of years. Not a full blown test, but something similar to a cbt, a day where a person can come and assess their driving, if they fail the test then they must re-take their test if they pass then they just carry on.

Cars and bikes need to be more aware of each other. God knows the amount of times I've been on my bike (bare in mind, with a bright red bike and I ALWAYS have the head light on, this isn't some small scooter btw, but it should apply also). and someone has completely ignored that I'm there, to cause me to suddenly stop. If I didn't or wasn't able to stop I would most certainly be in hospital, no amount of leathers are going to save me!

But it also applies to bikes too, bikers are told to act like well not like they own the road, but like they are ALLOWED to be there, the government is going to make the bike test harder (not the cbt mind which is the first test you take...sigh..-.-), this is shown as a way to get bikers off the roads, and in a way I can see why! There's so many accidents of bikers smashing into cars!

It's nice to see the church addressing this and showing that they are update with their surroundings!