Virus Hoax Warns Users to Delete AOL


Chief Talker
PF Member
two articles...,1902,27074,00.html,4586,5092443,00.html
I absolutely cracked up when I heard people were actually deleting the file out of concern that it might be a virus, effectively breaking their installation of AOL.
To that end, these people probably weren't smart enough to figure out how to reinstall the **** thing. Stupidity breeds stupidity, I suppose...

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Poster children for social darwinism in action, the whole lot of them

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if you want anything done, ask a woman. -Margaret Thatcher

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En fuego, bebé.

That's hilarious. I can't believe people actually fell for that.

Or maybe I just don't WANT to believe people fell for it...

But then, I still don't understand why anyone uses AOL in the first place. *shrug*

"I suspect that many an ailurophobe hates cats only because he feels they are better people than he is; more honest, more secure, more loved, more whatever he is not."

--Winifred Carriere