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Voting for Nader


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Since roughly about the time of The Persian Gulf War, I have been very cynical about my government--in particular about the way we elect our officials. While I have voted every year since registering, I've never felt good about it. I have never wanted to campaign or get involved with promoting a candidate or joining a political party. This is not from apathy: I’ve figured out that most politicians--while not necessarily out-and-out crooks--are people whose personal best interests come far above those of their constituents. The only solace for me is that the system has always worked this way, is designed to work this way, and while it can be very immoral, unfair and deadly (especially if you’re live in Iraq or Belgrade), it’s among the best systems out there. After all, nobody's locking me up for having an opinion.
The person who has changed my mind about taking more of a role in the political process is Ralph Nader. He is someone who I’ve followed for some time. I’ve read a lot of his columns and his policy books on tort reform, free trade, the airline industry, and pharmaceuticals. He does not, nor has he ever, strike me as a crackpot, anti-capitalist, or anti-business. His platform of making corporations take responsibility and his ideas on smarter government spending and campaign finance reform appeal to me in a very big way.
I’ve never considered myself a Republican or a Democrat, preferring to vote for the person rather then the party. Even that's been pretty hard since Reagan. Both parties have things that appeal to me. From an economic standpoint, I’ve tended to lean Republican. On cultural issues, I’ve been more comfortable with the Democratic platform (Mind you, this was before Gore started proposing flushing the 1st amendment). Similarly, I’ve never considered myself a Liberal or a Conservative.

I'm repeating that because I want to make something clear: This is not a protest vote or a protest campaign. I'm not trying to steal votes from Gore so that Bush will get elected, or steal votes from anyone for that matter. I think that the reason 100 million American citizens of voting age did not go to the poles for the last election were from disgust, not apathy, and these are the people I'm trying to reach (since I'm practically one myself).

George W. Bush and Al Gore as the worst case scenario of the two-party system; they represent all of the things that I don’t like from each party, and are so similar as to be made laughable. If either one of them get elected, I can promise that you will see:

-> No campaign finance reform.
-> No balanced budget
-> A continuing increase in the division between the richest and poorest
-> Further degradation of the health care system
-> Further degradation of the educational system
-> An increase in the patently insane defense spending that in addition to flying in the face of military advisors at the highest levels of the pentagon only helps the private defense industry and corrodes our military readiness. (Don’t get me started on the ridiculous things that GE/McDonnell Douglas/Boeing do with our tax dollars)
-> No changes in the continuing trend of hobbling our environmental regulations.

Why? Because doing these things would require convictions that G.W. and Al don't gave it.


Gore The Congressman published books about the importance of environmentalism and proposed legislature as a congressman for strengthening the Clean Air Act. Gore the VP did not believe enough in the environment to testify when the Clean Air Act had its jurisdiction reduced. He addressed congress on welfare reform, but the Clean Air Act wasn't worth it.

And not that anyone should determine their vote on one issue (abortion rights), but Gore The Congressman was vehemently Pro-Life. In fact, he was one of 10 democrats who voted in ’84 to remove Medicaid funding for abortions, even when considered a medical necessity, and he was the only Democrat who backed an amendment that removed funding in the cases of rape, incest, and when the life of the mother is at stake. In 84, he was the only Democrat to support an amendment to a civil rights bill that granted unborn children full civil rights. Gore the Candidate talks a lot of pro-choice talk, but I think he just believes that the pro-choice people will vote for him blindly.

It's harder to find contradictions in Bush's record, but this is only because he barely has one. If you look at his campaign speeches, though, it's not hard to see the contridictions. Much of his campaiging in 1999 had to do with helping out the oil industry in the form of tax cuts. Now he distances himself from big oil. When running against McCain, he promoted himself as right wing. Now he has softened up his platform towards "compassionate conservatism." Nowhere in his acceptance speech (that I can find at least) does he speak for more than a sentance on the issues that would differentiate him from non-compassionate conservatives.

All this is by way of saying that Bush and Gore will promise or do anything to get your vote and then turn their backs on you and their promises as soon as they get elected. This is how it's been for as long as I can remember; maybe it's always been this way. Maybe if Nader gets elected he'll turn his back on the people, but I don't believe it.

Think about yourself and your family. Are you better off now then you were 8 years ago? 12 years ago? 20 years ago? I don't mean in an airfare-is-cheaper, cars-are-faster, music-is-louder, Coke-tastes-better kind of way. I mean, how much harder do you and your family have to work to make the same amount of money? How much more difficult is it for you to keep your head above water? If not you, your friends and family? Your parents and grandparents?

Two more questions: Do you really like Gore? Do you really like Bush? If the answer is not "Yes" then think about why.

This year, it’s not a case of voting for the person that you hate the least (or for the majority, not voting at all). There is a candidate who has a record of working for democracy. Not as a Liberal or Conservative, not as a Republican or Democrat, but as a citizen. Bush and Gore represent the politics of the special interests. Think about what you're voting for.

<font color="#000000">[Edited by DanCasey.com on October 18, 2000 (edited 1 time)]</font>
Yikes! I hope KNS doesn't see this...

spidergoolash: "heh, a cup of diesel dan - mwahhha"
me: "heh, a cup of me is like a cup of heaven!"
Can we distract her somehow?

Don't you wonder, though, about people who post this kind of stuff on their very first post? Maybe they just wanna talk like the rest of us, but hmmmm.

Then again, I don't think I introduced myself either. Started posting stuff in Hot Deals, then migrated elsewhere.

Hmmmmm. I better hasten me to the Welcome forum and make it official.
Originally posted by hermanm:
Can we distract her somehow?

Should I be afraid?

Don't you wonder, though, about people who post this kind of stuff on their very first post? Maybe they just wanna talk like the rest of us, but hmmmm.

Ok, I confess: I didn't write the above just today, and this isn't the only place it appears. But they are my own words and I've only published them on my own website.

Then again, I don't think I introduced myself either. Started posting stuff in Hot Deals, then migrated elsewhere.

Hmmmmm. I better hasten me to the Welcome forum and make it official.

I'll see you there!
Hiya Dan,

While I don't mind posting this sort of thing, I get weary of certain first posts that seem to pertain to some agenda of the poster.

Like I said, I don't mind this, I just hope we'll see follow-ups to this, as well as other future posts of yours online here.

We just dislike the 'dumpers', who stick something here and never come back. That's spam, however I have hopes you're not here for that.

As for your post, I do see several of your points. I'm a registered Republican, however I'm disgusted with 2 party politics. I want to hear several sides in these debates. We have 275 million Americans in this country and 2 people battling it out just ain't enough for me.

Maybe we need about 5 in a steel-cage match? Heh.

Alien - Administrator / Owner
["Everything was true. God was an alien. Oz really is over the
rainbow. ...and Midian is where the monsters live." -Nightbreed]
Hey Dan - interesting name - I had a best friend by that name who passed away in early January...it was kind of spooky to see your name in a post!

KNS is my girlfriend and a very staunch Republican. You shouldn't be afraid, just be prepared for a follow-up post is all.
She's really a wonderful person, very eloquent, and not at all scary.

You've made some great points - I hope you become a regular poster to this forum, and others!

My knob tastes funny.
I agree he had some good points. It's just like Alien said, you don't know if it's just spam when it's the only thing they've posted.

KNS is really smart and well informed...sometimes I even agree with her (but even when I don't I respect the thoughts behind her opinions).
Originally posted by Alien:
Hiya Dan,

While I don't mind posting this sort of thing, I get weary of certain first posts that seem to pertain to some agenda of the poster.

Like I said, I don't mind this, I just hope we'll see follow-ups to this, as well as other future posts of yours online here.

We just dislike the

Fair enough.
I'm not going to pretend that I don't have an agenda, but I hate spammers and I've decided that if I'm going to do this kind of thing, I'm NOT going to becaome a spammer. If that means becomming a member of a community, no problem!

I promise to follow up on the above (and I've written one or two other things on the topic that might be post-worthy).

Weird about the name coincidence. I did an ego-surf once and found that no less then 4 Dan(iel) Casey's died in the Vietnam war. Plus there's a real estate agent in Conneticut and an english professor at Indiana University.

Anyhow, don't worry about me, I'll stick around.

Originally posted by DanCasey.com:
If that means becomming a member of a community, no problem!

You'll like it here.
We're the best **** community on the web, dagnabbit!

My knob tastes funny.
I'm actually thinking of voting for Nader. I am all for public financing of presidential campaigns, an end to soft money, the political weakening of special interest groups/corporations, and health care among other things. Plus I live in MA which is guaranteed to vote Democratic so I will be give my support to a party which needs help to grow and not hurting the lesser of 2 evils: Mr. Gore.

(However, I still think Nader overreacted on the Corvair

my eyes, the goggles do nothing
Whoa! And I'm just coming accross this thread NOW? You guys must have done a terrific distraction job, because this is brand new to me! Poss, your compliments make me melt, you're so sweet (Yeah, go ahead Diesel,
) And Hermie, thank you for your kind words (agreement with *me*? it's so nice to know that I'm listened to every once in a while!)

After all of this, there's only one thing I can say to you, Dan:

Woo hoo! Way to vote for Nader!


En fuego, bebe.