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Dh came home with the spray and caulk and after wiping it all down AGAIN and spraying the area, he caulked it. Now, I realize they may come in a different direction so Sat we plan on caulking more of that area to be sure. But I got up this morning to no ants.

And it's CHILLY this morning. Liz
Sounds promising, Liz.

It's down to 38 degrees and the heavy rain has subsided. Had several rolls of thunder too. It was slushy snow out by mom's this morning. UGH. Later this week we're supposed to get up to near 70! Go figure this crazy weather!

Making stuffed cabbage rolls for dinner. Dh loves them. I will plan on 5 pm eating as I have choir practice tonight. Dh had practice last night.

Just got a phone call from mom's Tuesday caregiver. Mom has no power and hasn't had it for several hours. I told her where the paperwork on the electric company is in the office, so she was going to call them and see how long they expect it to be out. Mom needs oxygen at night, has an all-electric house, so no heat, no stove, nothing. SIL called me and said she'd check on mom and if need be, she'd take mom to their house cause at least they have power.

She said there's about 2" of snow and lot of ice causing the downed power lines. Geesh, guess winter started early!

Yikes, that does seem early - I hope everything gets sorted soon Carol.

I have spent the whole day fighting a headache! Grr!
Thanks, Michelle. Hope your headache disappears soon. {{{{hugs}}}}

Hello everyone.

Liz, glad you got those ants on the run.... hopefully.

Carol, hope by now moms power has been restored.

Michelle, so sorry about the headache... I hate those all day headaches.

Not much going on around here lately...LOL oh yeah, went to my nieces wedding.... oh that was interesting, to say the least.

The bride was very lovely, the groom however was wearing a white t-shirt with the sleeves cut off, and brown ****ie pants... and some camouflage boots. Lord what a sight that was.

The groom had wanted to have the reception in the yard at his parents home (read trailer)... sadly it rained, and wasn't possible. I wasn't quit sure why my sister was so glad to see the rain on her daughters wedding day... until I went up to that house with my sister afterwards.... there were NO lights... NO grass... the yard had such a slant to it the layers on the wedding cake would have slid off of each other. I don't even want to think about the nastiness of that house... I only got a brief glance in the door... we were not invited inside.. but I was very glad I didn't have to ask to use the bathroom in there... the woods behind the house in the dark, 20 miles from anything.... were more appealing. I swear I could hear banjo's in those woods.

This weekend we are off and running again, we leave here Friday morning for a JROTC drill competition. We will be back Saturday night. Exhausted I'm sure.
Carol, sure hope your mom already has the electricity back, gosh, that's scary when she needs oxygen! I read that the East got slammed with sn*w already. Yuck.

Kelly, thank God it rained for your Niece's reception! So, was the reception just cancelled? The nicest weddings I've ever been to were the ones that were SIMPLE, they just seem more sacred without all the "hooplah" and I hope when the kids get married they embrace some of the ideas from those weddings....buttttt.....I would never, never, ever plan anything outdoors. Not in Michigan.

Crossing the fingers that the ants got the message, Liz!

Spent today working on rugs....Vacuumed and discovered The Tinkle Queen had an accident in the dining room. Looking at the spot, hard telling whether she peed when I started the vacuum (which she never has done, she specializes in giving me dirty looks from a very safe distance when I vacuum) or earlier as she was acting really, really guilty this morning and she refused to go out last night as it was raining. So I ended up dragging out the steam cleaner. And while I was at it, may as well get all the "hot spots" in the house......

ROFLOL at the wedding description, Kelly!! Did your niece know her new husband was dressing like that for the wedding?

A'Liz, sorry you had to discover Sandy's 'accident'. It's funny how they act when they KNOW they did something wrong!

I spoke with my brother last night and he said mom's power was restored before 4 pm so they didn't have to rescue mom and caregiver for a sleepover. lol He said one guy he works with said he got 8" of the white stuff yesterday! Thankfully we just had rain.

Let see, Yes, the bride did know he was going to dress that way and she was fine with it..... I think her mother dropped her one too many times.....

The reception was moved to the church fellowship hall, along with the ceremony, the ceremony was originally to be at a covered bridge... which would have been nice. Been there it is really pretty.

This one was sure simple alright, my sister baked the cake and I decorated it. The bridesmaids all wore skirts made from bandana material and denim shirts. The flower girl even matched. The ring bearer wore overalls and a red plaid flannel shirt. The two little ones rode in a red wagon down the isle... they were awfully cute.

My mom and sister made all the table decorations, and my cousin, who is soon to graduate from college acted as the dj..... for the oh 4 songs they played, the reception was a whole 90 mins long.

The limo was supposed to picked them up at that nasty house at 8pm.. so the bride and groom left the church at 7:30, with what was supposed to be just their parents and me ( I had been elected to take picture) after the limo getting lost three times, and not showing up by 9:15 my sister and I told her we loved her and kissed her goodbye, our whole family was back at the church. His family was supposed to be there, but they left and ended up at that nasty house.... why you might ask.... cause thats where the free beer was. By the time we got back down to the church everyone was sitting waiting for us they had done the entire clean up, all we had to do was load the cars and go back to my sisters house. They could have gone back to the house, however, they had the baby, and we had the car seat.... poor baby was exhausted.
The bridesmaids all wore skirts made from bandana material and denim shirts. The flower girl even matched. The ring bearer wore overalls and a red plaid flannel shirt.

Was one of the songs "Dueling Banjo's"???? Kelly, Are you SURE they are related to you? Sounds like some of my dh's cousin's dh's side of the family. I'm not too sure THEY'RE related to us even by marriage.

That same cousin found this and told us to be careful...some of OUR relatives had swings like this: http://www.gwoltal.myfastmail.com/files/Redneck Tree Swing We told Pat that they were her relatives TOO!!!! :hysterical: She just laughed and said yeah, she knew that.

Kelly, I hope you are writing these down in a book...no one will EVER believe these are true tales. Liz

Liz that is too much, I'm going to have to send that to my sister she will get the biggest kick out of it....