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we're now in 'the orange'.

Space K 8

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Does this scare anyone else?
we have been in the yellow since March when this code was put into place.
They upgraded the risk to orange now.
They are saying that one or more individuals in the middle east are threatening a suicide attack somewhere in the US...but they do not know where.
Other strikes are possible as well.
Do you take these threats seriously or do you think that it is just to scare us?
I know it is frightening to me a bit...but I just don't know.
It's so hard to predict what the terrorists might do. There have been threats coming in constantly especially towards the more obvious landmarks in the US.

One person on the news thought that the people making the threats were testing us and looking for our weak spots, seeing how we respond. In a way tiring us out so when they do actually strike, we will be less guarded. I tend to agree with what he says. At least the theory is good.

Another person, a friend, said that the 9/11 strike was made on an Afghanistan holiday, one of seven victory days (I believe there's only seven but there may be more). She won't fly on one of their victory days figuring that they may strike on a victory day holiday. She feels their strikes are not intended for our holidays and beliefs but more to emphisize theirs. I do think she has a point on that one too.

A lot of people have got good opinions and thoughts on this issue. I just hope they all remain speculation and we still remain alert in case something does happen. We need to be better prepared for attacks like this! :eek:

On the whole, I am scared of the threats. I'd rather be safe than sorry and take them mostly seriously cause you never know, one of them just might be!
You have a lot of good points Lysithea.
I'd lean toward thinking you're right about them 'testing us'....waiting for us to be unguarded. Sadly enough that is what happens a lot of the time in other situations.
That scares me to death.

I don't imagine that 'we' will let our guard down. At this point, this country is thinking of nothing else.
But we as civilians need to keep alert as well as those waiting to fight for us.

This whole thing has got me very scared.
It would just be so devastating for this country to see another tragedy at this time.
Originally posted by Space 'K' Horizon
This whole thing has got me very scared.
It would just be so devastating for this country to see another tragedy at this time.

my thoughts exactly. heck, i was crying my freaking eyes out before watching one of the shows about it. it's all over the tv.

hubby had to shut it off.

i don't want to relive anything tomorrow. i'd like to crawl into a hole.
i very much doubt there'll be another attack - especially now, because america's on such high alert...

but i'm really getting sick of all the hype, propaganda and false alerts...

the american ambassador to australia just told us of the possibility of a nuclear attack on sydney harbour

yeah, and pigs might fly...