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What Animal Are You

Genera and species: Amblonyx Cinerea
Collective Term: A prank of otters

Otters are petite, engaging creatures overflowing with positive energy. Intelligent and bright, they are also popular and eminently lovable and displaying the highly developed social skills that typify the small carnivores. So, otters mix easily with a wide range of animal personalities.

Lazy? Let's just say easily distracted. For life has so many diversions for the otter, that whether it's playing a computer game, reading a book, or doing a crossword puzzle, it's impossible to predict how it will fill it's day. But when an otter gets focused on a problem, it's keen intelligence rises to the challenge and it will not give up until the nut is cracked. Otters feel entitled to the good things in life and a general sense of well being gives them the confidence to not have to save for the future. A lover who wants to impress an otter should know that otters love to eat out and have a predictable penchant for sushi.

Although intelligent and witty, otters have a tendency to suffer from self-doubt, and fear of failure can prevent them from living up to their true potential. Still, they are a great problem solvers, with the ability to spend endless hours on abstract or practical challenges. As workers, they are dedicated and capable and always eager for a chance to prove themselves. Their determination makes them valuable employees and although they often feel that their contributions are undervalued, they would rather accept lower pay than risk confrontations in their workplace. Although they are fine motivators, they avoid taking leadership roles, performing better in group situations with their social skills coming in handy when counseling coworkers through their problems. Their dexterous hands are useful in a wide range of careers, and they're ideally suited for work in engineering, advertising, and design.

As lovers, otters are tenacious and have remarkably vital libidos. Unafraid of expressing their needs, they do not tolerate selfish people and are attracted those creative enough to fulfill their sexual appetites. Among the aquatic animals, the lusty dolphin provides endless fun while the terrestrial fox proves to be a challenging and sexy companion. In a relationship, the otter will willingly stray into dangerous waters, betting that its instincts will see it though. But, for the most part it prefers the familiar shallows of a predictable association with the semi-aquatic beaver or sea lion.

There is no question that the otter is going to have children. Lots of them. And this otherwise carefree individual will surprise you with its strict and disciplined approach to child raising.

Otters are certainly not shy. Their highly advanced communication skills explain why friends flock to it for advice and why ex-lovers find it so hard to let it go. But sometimes it seems that relating to an otter is a one-way street; for otters hate criticism. It's not that they don't believe there's room for improvement -- it's just that they tend to confuse criticism with rejection. Friends must step lightly lest they wound the otter's self-image, for this is the surest way to dissuade the otter from further communication.

~Careers and Hobbies
Pro Sport
Surfing the Web

~Famous Otters
Leonardo DiCaprio, Meg Ryan, Jennifer Aniston, Goldi Hawn, Scott Hamilton

<I think it's pretty **** close..the only thing they got wrong is that I *do* take leadership rolls quite often.>
You are either a Wolf or a Penguin personality.
But you may also be a Bear personality. :) ;)
Hey King Louie, I havnt seen you around before. Welcome to the soup. Why not head on over to the Welcome Fourm so that everyone can give you a proper soup welcome. :)
Morning Prox,

Just did that. Thanks for the welcome I just came down from my tree yesterday! Came in early this morning just to get a bit of chi chat going bfore work.

826am for me here in Germany
I'm a Snake
Shy and insecure, they must keep a low profile to avoid the disapproving glances and teasing of others. Of course, their poisonous wit and quick tongues help to keep tormentors at bay.

Snakes have no illusions about getting breaks in life and while they see doors opening for others, they have resigned themselves to staying in their lowly, entry level positions. So don't try and humor the snake, for it has reconciled itself to its subservient position.

In winter, the cold-blooded snake is miserable. It just can't cope in the low temperature that seeps in through its thin skin, affecting its mood and sapping its energy. Prone to colds and flu, they are pathetic sights as they snivel and cough throughout the season. But when summer returns with its warmth and light, the snakes' moods brighten and their spirits soar.

Snakes are not fussy about their choice of jobs. As cold blooded personalities they perform best when given warmth and kindness and will accept almost any job, provided they feel secure and trusted. However, if they feel mistrusted, they live up to their reputation and return the disloyalty. Consequently, they are often relegated to menial jobs in the fast-food industry or as unskilled labor.

Snakes often have a slight lisp or stutter. This doesn't do much to help their self-esteem and they're more likely to spend their evenings quietly at home, than boogying down in a nightclub.

For all their vulnerabilities, snakes exude mysterious sexual ooze that seeps into the senses of even the most discriminating people. This is not love that we're talking about -- it's a deep reptilian desire for forbidden fruit -- of which we are all familiar.

Hmmm, most of this is the complete oposite to me
You are either a Beaver or a Sheep personality.
But you may also be a Dog personality.

:confused: i'll read them later and figure it out
You are either a Pengiun or a Owl personality.
But you may also be a Wolf personality.


BTW: Link to third party-sites be damned... ;)
You are either a Otter or a Shrew personality.
But you may also be a Cottontail personality.

MJ- That's scarry. Beaver or Sheep:eek:
whoda thunk it -- the Republican turned out to be an elephant :D

my favorite part was:

Their vocal skills make them excellent singers and musicians, and their sober natures align them with the classical arts rather than contemporary music. In business, they are usually found in leadership roles as CEOs or company presidents. And although they're highly paid, they are never ostentatious with their wealth.

I read a bunch of the other ones, and out of all of them, I think this one really is the most dead-on, atleast personality-wise.

Most impressively, it described my hobbies to a tee. Nothing I'd take out, nothing I'd really have to add.

Careers and Hobbies
Manager Judge
Musician Business executive
Politician Leader

Singing Family
Art appreciation Fine dining

I'm actually very impressed!
I am either a warthog or a porcupine ..

I am probably the porcupine though ..
Originally posted by Always An Alien
MJ- That's scarry. Beaver or Sheep:eek:

i think i'm a dog, actually... not sure. none of them fit perfectly

:lol: @ bob's animals