What are your opinions?


Establishing Talker
PF Member
So, I felt bad having seeing religion having no threads, so... I made one!

I like the variety of religions this world has!

Some can be cool!
Some can be... very weird....
Some can be amazingly stupid.

So I ask you this: "What are your opinions?"

My opinions;

Some can certainly collide with others, causing problems, this annoys me. The human race can be so selfish when coming to Religion.

Personally? I don't care.
I dislike the divisions that religion makes, I dislike religion for some of the horrible teachings it gives but I don't and never will hate religious people because of their religion.
There are nice religious people and horrible religious people and nice atheists and horrible atheists. I'm sick of people labelling another person because of their religion and holding it against them because it doesn't make you the person you are fully.
I like to live by this quote (not correct word for word but it's my own spin on it); "If God is just, he will not judge me by how devout I have been but rather on how I have lived my life, I try to live as a good person. If God is not just, I don't wish to worship him. If there is no God then I shall live on through photography and memories remembered by my family and friends".

I personally am an atheist because I do not believe in any sort of deity. :)
like Lauren said, i disagree with religion but i don't have anything against religious people themselves.
if they will show my lack of religion respect, then i have no reason to say anything bad about them following one. however, if someone is rude to me first, i won't feel bad for making a joke or saying i think they're wrong.
i'm much more interested in religions like buddhism, which is really more of a philosophy to live by than worshipping a deity.
i am an atheist, although i'm not hugely open about it. i don't feel like i need to make it a big deal that everyone needs to hear about.
Atheism is the only belief set that gets better and better each day. But for me it has come after about 5 years worth of struggling to come to terms with it and what life means as a result. It's not for the faint hearted!
In my opinion there is a God. He just isn't as personal as most people who believe in a God think he is. Lately everyone has been trying to change my opinion every which way, especially while going to a catholic school. I'd rather just stick with the title of agnostic so I can say that my beliefs depend on whether or not I care on a certain topic. I have my own beliefs and they mine, no one will change that. Whether there is or isn't a God I dont see how our world/life could just happen, but i can also see the science theories behind this. It doesnt matter to me so i just dont give a **** on any aspect that has to do with other beliefs, I'll just stick with mine.
I honestly believe that there is a God, and I do believe some things that are considered "Catholic". But honestly I can't really say I'm Catholic because of my sexuality not being straight and all. I think that God/The high power made us the way we are for a reason. And if we weren't mean't to love a person of the same sex, why do we have those feelings? Though I do have a question to ask about to the scientist kinds of people and such, I don't mean this to be rude or anything but I have thought of this a lot.
If certain gases caused the "big bang" then what made the gases, they can't just "appear" out of thin air. Things appearing out of thin air was proven wrong by scientists right? But they can't just appear, they can't just go "BOOM hey I'm here!" nothing can just *happen*. Which is why I'm confused and this "it can't just appear" thing has been in my head making me confused and I end up giving up on what I'm thinking because I can't wrap my head around it.
There are positive and negative attributes associated with religious affiliations. However, nothing is perfect, so I excuse the notion. I'm an open-minded Christian.
I am baptized but I don't think I believe in that faith anymore. It was something I grew up with and therefore had done when I was young.

After being exposed to certain things through the Internet and real life, I don't know what to think. I know that personally I think there is something greater out there. It may not be the gods we all believe in, or it may be, but something more than the "Big Bang" had to happen for this to come into existence. It just doesn't make sense to me otherwise.

On the subject of the Bible (I don't mean any offense with this, so please don't take any) I believe people when they say, "Oh, the Bible's been passed down for so long that anyone could have altered it." It's a completely understandable thing to do, too, especially considering that religion ruled politics back then. Give a sense of faith and purpose to a group of people in their time of strife, and they will love you for it.
Like I said in another thread; I'm Agnostic, though not strictly speaking. In general, I try to avoid the topic of religion because it's not something that overly concerns me; if you believe you believe, if you don't you don't. I personally feel as if people should use religion as a guideline to how they live their life, and not necessarily invest some much time into obeying the laws etc. From experience, I've found that religion has done more harm than good, although that is a debate in itself.

In short; religion doesn't bother me unless it's shoved down my throat or it causes harm to me/someone else.
I personally feel as if people should use religion as a guideline to how they live their life, and not necessarily invest some much time into obeying the laws etc.
I completely agree with this, and also your statement that religion's caused more harm than good. While it brings a sense of unity to people, most wars are also fought because of religion. One of the most controversial and recent examples of this are the Westboro Baptist Church campaigns against homosexuals.
Intolerance within religion is really an issue. Believe in a religion by all means, but I have no patience for people who act like atheists or people of other religions are bad people or if you don't comply to what's in an old book then you're going to burn in hell forever.
I don't 'believe' in anything, more like I just hope for something after death. Can't help it. Just do. Something I can't control and logically I don't believe in that hope but y'know!!! I guess it's not specifically religion (cause I don't believe in God etc) but yeah!!! >:]
Many religions are tied so close with the others. An example would be Muslims and Christians. It's ironic.