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what grinds your gears?


Part Of The Furniture
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trying to think of something to get some conversation flowing with you quiet ****ers, i figure a nice whinging thread'll do it. :p

what annoys you beyond belief? (other than my threads)
the phrase "well you've gotta die of somefin".

it drives me ****ing mental. what a ****ing stupid retarded thing to say!!! yes, you WILL die of something, the point is that you will die SOONER you ****TARD!
"Your welcome" bothers me... like 98% of the population has never thought of what it means, they just close their minds and say it. It's "You are welcome" not something that the person posses, "You're welcome" to whatever that person already gave you. You are welcome to my thanks, you deserve it, and I said it because it was the right thing to do.

It is actually a very nice comment, if anyone took a couple seconds to think of what they were saying. I try to reserve it for when I am really being sincere.
i usually only say "you're welcome" when i'm being sarcastic. :lol:

otherwise i say something like "you're right" which is an aussie-ism, "you're alright" meaning "you're ok", "that's ok", "no worries" type comment. :p
do you people say "no worries" or is that another aussie-ism?
People that want to act like hippies say it.
the odder form of the expression that we often say would be "she'll be right". "she" not really being a person, but perhaps a thing, or situation.
eg. "i hope it doesn't rain on my washing"
"nah, she'll be right"

"i just dinged my car on a shopping trolly"
"it's just a bit of paint. she'll be right".
I was actually serious. =P

That's pretty interesting... to me.

Hey, I gotta run, I don't like to wait too long to go lift. bbl
people in general. being ignored. my mom. pretty much being told what to do and being treated like im stoopids. liars backstabber's evil women. i can go on......

ive heard "itll be all right" quite a bit here.
I was driving the other day and saw a hybrid with a personalized license plate that said "sipsgas". I wanted to drive over him in my 4X4 while farting on his head and saying "sip this". Is that wrong of me? :unsure:
oh GOD, yes i hate personalised licence plates.

there's a chick here who drives a bright purple convertable with a licence plate that says "G0D3SS" and she's clearly a swamp donkey.
People who think they are better than everyone else.
oh GOD, yes i hate personalised licence plates.

there's a chick here who drives a bright purple convertable with a licence plate that says "G0D3SS" and she's clearly a swamp donkey.
Don't even get me started on that... people around here are retarded with that.
I hate stupid people. Not mentally handicapped people, and not ignorant people.
when people ask me where i am from and when i say chicago they say "no, i meant where are u from?" i was born in ****ing chicago!!!!!!!!!!!! god **** it not every asian person was born in china or like vietnam
when people ask me where i am from and when i say chicago they say "no, i meant where are u from?" i was born in ****ing chicago!!!!!!!!!!!! god **** it not every asian person was born in china or like vietnam
