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What news company do you steer clear from due to them being biased?


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So something I have noticed with some news companies is how biased they can be when it comes to certain topics such as politics or even cost-of-living and rising inflation. Not all news companies are biased but of those that are, they are ones that I tend to steer clear of, the ones that tend to be one-sided regarding a certain party in politics or a certain member of the government.

Is there a news company you steer clear from due to them being somewhat biased?
In my country, I have always seen Channels TV as being biased. They don't consider the fact that being used as a political tool is wrong.
I stopped taking CNN serious during the regime of President Trump. They didn't conceal their disdain for his government even to the point of subtly campaigning for the opposition.
I rarely "watch the news" unless there is some kind of disaster going on, so I read the news from multiple sources, just to take in the whole story with various view points. Then I decide which is the likely truth.
All media companies have biases as they have vested interest. Media is a business and the media companies work for the interest of the business. You will have to consume news form various companies and make your own conclusion.
Al Jazeera has proven itself as a media outlet, to be sympathetic to the cause of Islam and terrorism regardless of if the Islamic community is on the wrong side. They have been intentionally spreading propaganda to portray Israel in bad light in the Israeli - Gaza conflict.