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what was the dumbest/lamest movie you ever saw?


Part Of The Furniture
PF Member
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"the legend of billy jean"

the worst - i still have to watch it though (it's on cable every now and again) just to marvel at the sheer stupidity of it ...

"it's easier to stay out than get out"
showgirls.. **** that was bad

In Hong Kong, you'd be dead.
i had an all time WORST movie ever
but i can't remember it anymore

"The Thin Red Line" was pretty bad in my opinion

Hands down, Romy & Michelle's High School Reunion
Worst piece of monkey feces that I ever saw.

From another BBS:
"hmm... Cyrix III, huh? You can put syrup on sh*t, but that don't make it pancakes."

I saw like 10 minutes of that movie and turned it off
there's only so much stupid valley girl chatter I can take

Okay, I know I will probably get booed off the stage for this one, but.... The worst movie I ever saw was Star Wars the Phantom Menace. Are we really to believe THIS is how the whole story started? I think George Lucas needed to pay off some credit card bills and decided to dish up alittle MARKETING CASH for himself.... All I remember was leaving the movie theatre with about 250 other disgruntled fans all thinking OUTLOUD the same thing....."WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT????" Where's Chewbacca when you need him?

forget chewbacca - i want han solo ...

"it's easier to stay out than get out"
I think that the main problem with The Phantom Menace was that everyone went into it with some kind of expectations. When those expectations weren't met, everyone walked out disappointed.
In reality, the movie was mildly entertaining and had good special effects.
More than I can say for some of the other movies that have made this list.

From another BBS:
"hmm... Cyrix III, huh? You can put syrup on sh*t, but that don't make it pancakes."
That is very very true.
When I first say ep1 I was VERY disappointed, because I had huge expectations. The more I saw it the more I liked it because of the special affects, but I agree, that all seems a bit odd. Anakin build 3po and r2d2 was his friend? Then later (in the earlier movies) they are just plain old droids. I hate to go off on a dorkish rant here, but it's just stupid
I have to agree with Helga. Ep1 sucked. There was very little character development. It was almost a relief when qui-gon died... one less boring character to have to watch during the rest of the movie. I kinda wish jar-jar would've taken on darth maul.

Star Wars is just a franchise now and they're trying to milk all the money they can out of it. Just look at all the crappy ep1 games from lucas arts. They truly don't care about the story and it shows.

Whew! Well, I guess I can stop sweating! I thought I was gonna get pounded for that review! Not to add fuel to the fire, but.... Liam Neeson should NOT have been in that movie, Obi-won should have had a bigger part... and that little twit that played young Anakin didn't do justice to the part AT ALL.. Instead of the "Awww shucks Ma, do I have to repair my POD RACER today?" attitude, don't ya' think the boy should've been a tad more MYSTERIOUS?

I think the point of that was to illustrate that he was just a regular kid that had "something special".
Just my $.02

From another BBS:
"hmm... Cyrix III, huh? You can put syrup on sh*t, but that don't make it pancakes."
in ep2, they remove jar-jar's anal plug ...

"it's easier to stay out than get out"
Let's be honest... How bad were the racial stereotypes in ep1?!?
I noticed distinct references to Asians, Carribeans, and various other groups. I couldn't believe more people didn't pick up on that.

From another BBS:
"hmm... Cyrix III, huh? You can put syrup on sh*t, but that don't make it pancakes."
The stereotypes were pretty bad. Not only that, they were downright corny in parts. Let's talk about some popular American stereotypes we'd like to see in ep2. After all, if they're going to make it a sucky movie, it might as well be *really* sucky.

My ideas:

Oo'onta Stein: a Jew who is concerned over the cost efficiency of heating the entire death star and offers his idea to rent out non-essential sectors to the ewoks.

Darth Mofo: a loud and boisterous African-American who speaks ebonics and runs the largest prostitution ring this side of Naboo.

Father Spaynk-u2: a prototype Roman Catholic Priest android who has a special passion for alter droids.

I hear ya' DD, I just always pictured the character to be more of a standout even as a child...
Possibly in ep2?

From another BBS:
"hmm... Cyrix III, huh? You can put syrup on sh*t, but that don't make it pancakes."
i have to agree w/helga. i thought he was going to be more like mcauley culkin in "the good son" <evil laugh>. hopefully, things will get more "interesting" in ep2.

i think george lucas would be smart to stick w/his original plan of casting unknowns. that's what made the first movie so special:


"it's easier to stay out than get out"

[Edited by spidergoolash @ May 23, 2000 (edited 1 time)]
In ep2, Anakin is driven to the dark side when he's forced to spend a week in near solitary confinement with Jar-Jar Binks. That's 7 days of Jar-Jar tripping over his own ears, running into things, accidently zapping his mouth on various electrical appliances and talking in a fake jamaican accent.

I think I'd join the dark side too.
