What will please the Democrats??


Mastermind Talker
PF Member
If nothing else, this exemplifies their facade, their tactics of below the belt hits and attacks, and their hypocrisy.

CNN.com today, has on it's main site an article entitled
"Dem says Bush abandoning GOP candidates", which goes on to describe how "the chairman of the Democratic National Committee accused the White House on Monday of "walking away" from the GOP candidates in this week's gubernatorial elections in Virginia and New Jersey."

If the President were to indeed supply a hearty backing of support and aid to Republican candidates in this most recent election, I'm *sure* that today's headline would have read "Dems say Pres is playing partisan politics in a time of National Crisis" instead.

What do they want? Will they *ever* be happy? First they want him to be non-partisan. Now that he's concentrating on more important things than poltics, they're whining that he's not being partisan enough. Can they never be satisfied, or is this just how their act goes? Either way, I'm disgusted.

(see http://www.cnn.com/2001/ALLPOLITICS/11/05/2001.elex.bush/ to see why I'm so pissed off.)
:mad: :mad: :furious:

While I certainly see your point, and yes, it is hypocrisy on the part of the Democrats, your first paragraph would seem to show that you're just engaging in a bit of Democrat-bashing. ;)
I readily admit that I Democrat bash, it's really no secret. My point is that I am on a constant pusuit of showing people why I'm justified in doing so! ;)
justified in doing so? pfff...

...that they don't try to rip off the poor? (as much), that they don't try to widen the gap between rich and poor? (as much), that they don't only look after the wealthiest in society? ;)
Pahlease. :rolleyes: Those have to be the most over-used, stereotypical untrue allegations that exist, I'm almost embarassed that someone as intelligent as you would echo such things, Ick.

Tell me that the so called "lower class" of America's wealth doesn't far surpass that of any other nations "poor", and maybe I'll pay those remarks creedence.
Of course they greatly surpass the wealth of one in a third world nation. No thanks to the Republicans, though. You're telling the Republicans wouldn't return America to a two tier, user-pays system, where the poor can't afford anything, so they could have servants, without the Democrats to at least provide some protection for the poor?
Well, I wouldn't go so far as to lump all Democrats in with this guy.

I personally don't give a rip whether Bush does or doesn't support GOP gubernatorial candidates.