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What would you do?


Chief Talker
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London, UK
What would you do if your son chose a girls toy such as a barbie doll? Or if your daughter started playing with cars or boy targeted action figures?

I wouldn't mind, it's his life, not mine.
Choosing toys that might be a little strange for some doesn't make the sexuality issue that goes with that.
Naiwen said:
I wouldn't mind, it's his life, not mine.

Yes and no. It's true that it's the son's life, but as a little son he will need guidance from his parents about which one is correct. I personally believe it's okay to allow him to try playing with dolls, but we can try to balance it out by encouraging him to do more 'manly' things as well such as sports. Later he will decide what's best for him, but at least we've guided him.
I'd let kids be kids. They'll grow out of it. The kids who don't are the kids who had parents that encouraged such a thing. Normal kids without any push in any certain direction will grow up realizing that they are as nature intended.
What would you do if your son chose a girls toy such as a barbie doll? Or if your daughter started playing with cars or boy targeted action figures?
Play with them. What else? Toys are just toys. At some point I would explain a bit of the social gender roles and toy audience but never with the intent of discourage them from playing with what they like. I want my kids to have fun. We can bake together some nicely decorated ****ins and then go out and play soccer. Hahah.

As a kid I was pretty much jumping between both gender type of toys. I am grateful I was given that liberty.

Naiwen said:
I wouldn't mind, it's his life, not mine.
This honestly made me chuckle. As as parent their life is our responsibility so I am not sure you can use that as the explanation of why you wouldn't mind.   :lol:
Toys are just toys. They don't deal with your sexuality. Some may base your sexuality on your toys, but we shouldn't. I'll them to balance things out though. I wouldn't let them be bullied because their toys are quite....different. :P

Back in the old days, I always hated Barbie dolls. I like cars more. I hated things that are super girly. :P