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Where do you plan on living?


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So where do you plan on living once you are all grown up, and out of school?

Me, I plan on either moving to Seattle, or staying right here in the Twin Cities. I'm not leaving America, I know that for sure. I like it here. :) The only problem I have with the part of the country I live in is the climate. Minnesota winters suck. ;p
I'd love to move to L.A, visit E3 every year :) In fact I'd love to move anywhere in the land of oppurtunity.
Most likely i'll move out of the US and into Canada and live in a big city there.
In the Pacific ocean, no not on an island in the pacific ocean but ON the pacific ocean.

Feel sorry for you land lovers.
I plan on moving to Europe to either France (probly the southern part) or England (either Manchester, Liverpool, or England). I just wanna get out of America.