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Where does Chartbuster stand ?

Skid Rowe

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I sent an email to Chartbuster last week, and haven't received an answer yet. Having gone through the Sound Choice audit, I pretty well know wher they stand, but is there any definitive answer on Chartbuster's take on computer karaoke ? Does anyone here have any knowledge of what their stance is on the computer controversy ?
I am very curious as well......It's confusing to me because they are a part of the KIAA which means they agreed to those views , but if their views differ from the statements of the KIAA then i would see that as a double standard and we should know
Re Chartbuster and email. I sent an email to them last year and never heard back. Calling seems to work best.
I am very curious as well......It's confusing to me because they are a part of the KIAA which means they agreed to those views , but if their views differ from the statements of the KIAA then i would see that as a double standard and we should know

No, actually it means that the Kardboard KIAA ( which, as far as my investigation yields, may be operated out of a bedroom), offered them, and all mfrs. a free membership. This adds credibility to the KIAA, and exposure to the mfrs.

I wouldn't neccesarily bet the farm that CB even read through the KIAA plan.

What I have read, ( I think DJMC?) posted- and they have an entirely different plan, that would not only make back some losses, but will actually make at least a small dent in piracy (unlike SC) AND will still take their CUSTOMERS interests to heart ( Remember, unlike SC, CB is still in the business of producing new karaoke music). I believe that Mr. Grimes actually sat back, watched, and learned from SC's screw-ups.
No, actually it means that the Kardboard KIAA ( which, as far as my investigation yields, may be operated out of a bedroom), offered them, and all mfrs. a free membership. This adds credibility to the KIAA, and exposure to the mfrs.

I wouldn't neccesarily bet the farm that CB even read through the KIAA plan.

What I have read, ( I think DJMC?) posted- and they have an entirely different plan, that would not only make back some losses, but will actually make at least a small dent in piracy (unlike SC) AND will still take their CUSTOMERS interests to heart ( Remember, unlike SC, CB is still in the business of producing new karaoke music). I believe that Mr. Grimes actually sat back, watched, and learned from SC's screw-ups.


You and I are finally in agreement on the subject of piracy and karaoke! Why should Chartbuster set back and allow any KJs using a computer to continue in business with converted CDGs, when they can put them out of business and take everything they own!:laughpill:

The great part of this plan is that it doesn't even make any difference if the KJ actually owns every single CDG disc CB has produced he/she is still in violation and with no settlement offered well that only leaves going to court and as Ernie the smack daddy has already stated you are looking at $100,000 just to get an attorney to get it to court!

Now there are two things that the KJ can do, he/she can get rid of all CB content from their system or go back to using disc :biggrinpill: (not a bad idea for those who actually have disc), but a bad situation for those who have already eliminated SC from their systems and don't have the CB disc either, what do they have left Supercore, Nutech, All Hits and MM? I like it!:winkpill:

Point me to EXACTLY what you read please.


Chip & Diafel better dust off the old CDG player lest be stuck with All Hits, MM, & SGB only....
Sorry guys, maybe I missed something. What is their stance on CB disks on a hard drive, and what is their plan ?
Right now it's hearsay. Kurt is trying to run down his contact at Chartbuster to get the real info.

Point me to EXACTLY what you read please.


Chip & Diafel better dust off the old CDG player lest be stuck with All Hits, MM, & SGB only....

Wall Of Noise,

Trivia for you: Did you know that the All Hits discs were actually recorded for them by Stellar Records? (pop hits monthly) So were many of the UK series discs that contained Rolling Stones songs... but hey, don't believe me, look it up on Pacer or whatever you use: "Abko vs Stellar" and I'm sure you'll find it. While you're at it "Mr. Detective" read the final credit screen on an SC disc of a Rolling Stone song... It will say "used by permission" and claim it was published by EMI.... then do some more research and discover when EMI stopped handling the Rolling Stones... you'll find it to be YEARS before the CDG disc was produced. Hmmmm.... I'd like to see the license on that one!

While you're at it, look up the case that involved Sound Choice, Stellar and United Parcel Service.... it will explain why UPS shipping tracking numbers are no longer sequential.

And finally, there is a possibility you can get a loan from Thunder to travel to the upcoming cheerleading session...

Apparently having the "largest legal library in Nevada" is not making the huge profits you were hoping for.
Sorry guys, maybe I missed something. What is their stance on CB disks on a hard drive, and what is their plan ?

Don't know what the plan is but here are the facts from their website:

Can I back up my Chartbuster Karaoke discs?
You are allowed to make a single copy of your Chartbuster Karaoke discs for archive purposes only. Please note that this does not entitle you to use those backed-up tracks for any other purpose than as a back-up, including playing, sharing, distribution or performance.

Karaoke shows that use tracks stored to a hard disk drive are doing so in violation of the Chartbuster Karaoke license printed on the original disc. Unless the tracks were purchased as digital downloads and are being played from the original disk onto which they were downloaded, the operator is in violation of the license.

Can I move my Chartbuster Karaoke tracks between storage devices?
The original compact disc on which you purchased your Chartbuster Karaoke tracks is the only licensed copy you may use for karaoke purposes. Therefore, while you may choose to migrate your backed-up tracks between devices in order to accommodate changing technology, the original copy is the only one which may be used for karaoke. If your original disc should become damaged, stolen or lost, we have a specially-priced program specifically to replace the original for you.

The sole exception to this when you purchase Chartbuster Karaoke tracks as digital downloads. You may not make archive copies of these tracks at all, for any purpose. Your original digital copy is the only licensed copy that may be used for karaoke purposes.

Are hard drives loaded with Chartbuster songs legal?
Chartbuster Karaoke allows the original purchaser to make a single backup of their tracks for archive purposes only. Selling, playing, or performing with tracks loaded onto a hard disk drive is in violation of the original license, unless those tracks were purchased as digital downloads and are on the drive to which they were originally saved.

If you believe that a business or individual is selling or using Chartbuster Karaoke tracks in this manner, you may report them by visiting www.IllegalKaraoke.com and inputting the relevant information (you can report violations anonymously).

Hope this helps but not what we all want to hear.
Wall Of Noise,

And finally, there is a possibility you can get a loan from Thunder to travel to the upcoming cheerleading session...

Apparently having the "largest legal library in Nevada" is not making the huge profits you were hoping for.

Stale Chips,

I don't need a loan. I will be on my world karaoke tour during the "SC Cheerleader Gathering" which finishes up in Detroit.

I should have my version of Steve Vai's "F**K YOURSELF" which is about 9 minutes in length with the 4 1/2 minute guitar solo by then.

Does your show allow singers to use their own "burned" disc? I promise that it doesn't have a SC Logo on it.

Don't know what the plan is but here are the facts from their website:

Can I back up my Chartbuster Karaoke discs?
You are allowed to make a single copy of your Chartbuster Karaoke discs for archive purposes only. Please note that this does not entitle you to use those backed-up tracks for any other purpose than as a back-up, including playing, sharing, distribution or performance.

Karaoke shows that use tracks stored to a hard disk drive are doing so in violation of the Chartbuster Karaoke license printed on the original disc. Unless the tracks were purchased as digital downloads and are being played from the original disk onto which they were downloaded, the operator is in violation of the license.

Can I move my Chartbuster Karaoke tracks between storage devices?
The original compact disc on which you purchased your Chartbuster Karaoke tracks is the only licensed copy you may use for karaoke purposes. Therefore, while you may choose to migrate your backed-up tracks between devices in order to accommodate changing technology, the original copy is the only one which may be used for karaoke. If your original disc should become damaged, stolen or lost, we have a specially-priced program specifically to replace the original for you.

The sole exception to this when you purchase Chartbuster Karaoke tracks as digital downloads. You may not make archive copies of these tracks at all, for any purpose. Your original digital copy is the only licensed copy that may be used for karaoke purposes.

Are hard drives loaded with Chartbuster songs legal?
Chartbuster Karaoke allows the original purchaser to make a single backup of their tracks for archive purposes only. Selling, playing, or performing with tracks loaded onto a hard disk drive is in violation of the original license, unless those tracks were purchased as digital downloads and are on the drive to which they were originally saved.

If you believe that a business or individual is selling or using Chartbuster Karaoke tracks in this manner, you may report them by visiting www.IllegalKaraoke.com and inputting the relevant information (you can report violations anonymously).

Hope this helps but not what we all want to hear.

Out of all of this.... if the backup is allowed but you can't use it... then what is the purpose of said backup?

Follow me on this....

If I backup my Chartbuster discs and then need to create a new disc from said backup.... due to damage, loss or whatever of the original disc and then I use said burned disc at a show.... I am now in direct violation of using a backup and not the original.

You do realize that those statements were written several years ago... just as computerized (read CAVS) systems were comming on market as well as some PC users. It's very old rhetoric in my opinion that needs updated.
You do realize that those statements were written several years ago... just as computerized (read CAVS) systems were comming on market as well as some PC users. It's very old rhetoric in my opinion that needs updated.

Yes.... Exactly....
Right now it's hearsay. Kurt is trying to run down his contact at Chartbuster to get the real info.

Danny is correct, and after re-reading my post, I see that I didn't make it very clear. There is a plan ATTRIBUTED to Chartbuster that I like, but it has yet to have been acted upon. My apologies for the lack of clarity on my part. :embarrassedpill:
but a bad situation for those who have already eliminated SC from their systems and don't have the CB disc either, what do they have left Supercore, Nutech, All Hits and MM? I like it!:winkpill:

Not to mention Zoom, DK, Priddis, Pocket Songs, Monster Hits, and ( so far) Stellar, etc., etc., etc., and MANY other quality mfrs..

However, I hate to break it to you Steve- since the plan is still only hearsay, the details are still unknown. There's no proof at all that CB is going to go after PC hosts who HAVE discs.
Out of all of this.... if the backup is allowed but you can't use it... then what is the purpose of said backup?

Follow me on this....

If I backup my Chartbuster discs and then need to create a new disc from said backup.... due to damage, loss or whatever of the original disc and then I use said burned disc at a show.... I am now in direct violation of using a backup and not the original.

You do realize that those statements were written several years ago... just as computerized (read CAVS) systems were comming on market as well as some PC users. It's very old rhetoric in my opinion that needs updated.

Rob, if I may:

Charbuster HAS to word it that way. Neither they, nor any other mfr. has the authority to grant the right to use tracks ripped and copied to a PC in a show. They can cover THEIR original product only. Once the product is ripped and copied ( or even just copied in the case of GEMs), it's no longer the mfrs. original property, and you- and only you, are responsible for the licensed use of your copy.

Of course, no one expects the music OWNERS ( not the karaoke mfrs.) to bother with a single KJ, and no one really worries about it.

That's why CB has worded it that way. Personally- and this is only my opinion, I don't think CB will try to nail any PC host that actually has the discs.
Rob, if I may:

Charbuster HAS to word it that way. Neither they, nor any other mfr. has the authority to grant the right to use tracks ripped and copied to a PC in a show. They can cover THEIR original product only. Once the product is ripped and copied ( or even just copied in the case of GEMs), it's no longer the mfrs. original property, and you- and only you, are responsible for the licensed use of your copy.

Of course, no one expects the music OWNERS ( not the karaoke mfrs.) to bother with a single KJ, and no one really worries about it.

That's why CB has worded it that way. Personally- and this is only my opinion, I don't think CB will try to nail any PC host that actually has the discs.

I have to agree 100 percent, I just don't see the point in them coming after their customers that actually have discs, Where's the business strategy in that?
Someone asked so I posted what CB has to say that's all
I guess if they wanted to they could come after you for violating their practices which are posted on their site for all to see thus not giving ANYONE an excuse they could. Would probably not but then again you never know!
Then I want my money back from KIAA because if Chartbuster isn't gonna honor the 1:1 ratio that KIAA accepts then KIAA is not worth bothering with.
Then I want my money back from KIAA because if Chartbuster isn't gonna honor the 1:1 ratio that KIAA accepts then KIAA is not worth bothering with.

To be honest Danny G , I'm not the biggest supporter of the KIAA just because of a lot of things i've read here regarding the organization. I do like what they are trying to do but it just doesn't seem to me that they are implementing these ideals very well. If Chartbuster is going to take the position it sounds like they may take though they are going to need to at least leave the KIAA or the KIAA is going to need to show us they are real and pursue some king of action, because there would be a huge double standard going on.