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Where is My Mail?

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Cats were used for a mail service in Liege, Belgium, in 1879. In all, 37 cats were employed to carry bundles of letters to villages within a 30km radius of the city centre. The experiment was short-lived as the cats proved to be thoroughly undisciplined.
You can't train cats, they are useless for that. Using dogs would of been a better option. Wheneven I tried to give my cat orders it just gives me dirt looks.
Like a cat is going to listen to anyone, Chris! Cats rule, it is common knowledge. I can just imagine what your cat is thinking when you spout off orders to him/her. Male cats are more trainable than female cats though.
My cat is a female, but I do pick on her to annoy her. You know show her who the boss is. ;)
Chris that is cruel. The poor cat can develop a nervous condition you know. Cats may act aloof but they are sensitive to their environment and they don't forget if someone is nasty to them.
Chris that is cruel. The poor cat can develop a nervous condition you know. Cats may act aloof but they are sensitive to their environment and they don't forget if someone is nasty to them.

Not in a hurtful way, and anyway I do that once in awhile. When I pick on her I pick her up that bothers her so I only do it for a minute or two.
Funny about some female cats, Chris. I can't pick up mine either and I have had her since was 6 weeks old. (She is now 10) Must be their nature. She is the scrappy one while my male cat is laid back and mellow. Then again my male cat is 20 pounds while the female is a trim 4 pounds. Despite that fact she is still the boss and controls with an iron claw. LOL Since I don't believe in declawing, she has left her mark on her "brother" and me many times.
Funny thing is the cat doesn't scratch me really, when she was young she did. She weights 10 pounds, loves to eat. So it must be their nature indeed.
Now that she is older and more mature she has resigned her self to her fate. "I am living with an idiot who thinks after years of tormenting me he still thinks he is in control. I just refuse to give him the satisfaction of a good deep scratch. Of all the people in the world, I get stuck with a slow learner! But his day is coming. One day when he is expecting it - scrrraatch! Bleed, sucker, bleed!" *laughs her evil, revengeful laugh* and retracts her claws!
And costly I might add. But they are great company.
Yes, when our cat got this skin problem we spent of $1,000 trying to get the problem solved.
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