White House trashing story - garbage?


Chief Talker
PF Member
Wellllll, to quote from the same article:

The story here wasn't Clintonite shenanigans. It was the new White House's smearing of their predecessors

Who knows. I'm sure this is something that's done all the time and is only being thrown around and blown out of proportion to create more division than has already been created in the past 10 days.
So, yes, there were some pranks. But there's nothing unprecedented about the old administration pranking the new administration, as subsequent reports indicated. When Clinton-Gore staffers showed up for work in 1993, they found offices in disarray, computers disabled, and office furniture helpfully decorated with numerous Bush-Quayle bumper stickers. It appears that in this transition, the White House press corps took a similar situation and hyped it into a full-bore scandal without requiring one White House staffer to go on the record about specific vandalism or to provide any physical evidence.

In the absence of proof, why did the White House press corps advance the sabotage claims?

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My knob tastes funny.