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Who likes pancakes or waffles?



I personally like pancakes better. I make them with Bisquick or a new mutli-grain mix I found with fresh blueberries and raspberries. I did recently find a waffle-maker, though, at a thrift store.
I like both, but waffles are my preference (especially the Belgian waffles). We make them almost every Sunday (but we didn't today). I think waffles are easier, and I like the crispiness.

My usual recipes are - vanilla waffles, citrus waffles (using fresh lemon zest, lime zest, and orange zest), and pumpkin waffles. In the summer I tend to stick to the vanilla ones and put fresh fruit in them.
I like pancakes. A little pb and j, roll it up...works for lunches. Also, try making them for children by pouring it in the pan in the shape of the first letter of their name, or make a mickey mouse by adding a small "ear" on each side at the top.
Pancakes are fun!! Try using apple sauce in place of most of the water. Kinda like an apple fritter. Top with powdered sugar. mmmmmmmm!
we like pancakes here. for some reason my kids love those stupid "instant pancake" containers where you add water, shake and pour :lol:
Ditto on meezercat. I've always liked waffles better, especially Belgian, but pancakes are great too.

My dad's side of the family is Swedish, so we make Swedish pancakes sometimes, which are stretched-out pancakes which you put all your syrup, fruit, whipped cream, whatever inside, then roll it up and eat it like that (no, not with your hands). The Swedish way of making them is from scratch and all technical and stuff, so we usually just do normal Bisquick pancakes, but add some extra milk to the batter to make them thinner and more spread out.
a better question might be "who DOESN'T like pancakes or waffles?"

i prefer waffles, but both are awesome.
I slightly prefer pancakes- they are more filling, easier to eat, and somehow not quite as messy.
Anybody here like potato pancakes? Those are soooo good :drool: I like to put ketchup on those.
I love waffles, too though- what I like about waffles is how the syrup fills in those little square depressions in them, and then it's all nice and syrup-y.
I guess you could say I like them both equally, with a slightly greater preference for pancakes.
I prefer pancakes to waffles, by far! I don't like pancake mix, I only make them with fresh ingredients. I wish I knew how to make potato pancakes! My mom used to make really good ones with herbs! :drool:
(Edit: weird, I posted a potato pancake recipe here four months ago, and I didn't remember! Good I posted it here! My memory's going downhill...)

(lol, once I was in a hotel in the US and ordered pancakes; big mistake, I could barely eat them, they tasted so artificial; but the waffles I ate in Waffle House were good! ;) )
Pancakes for me! I used to use the bisquick mix, but I looked up the IHOP recipe (Secret Recipes, google it!) and I have it memorized now.

However, we always make Belgian waffles with strawberries and whipped cream on Christmas mornings. :)
Really, I like waffles more than pancakes ... but I can eat all of them ...
:drool: i could go for a waffle

where'd you go, lobo? glad to have you back!
Thanks, MJ! I was ... I was! I am glad to see You again :lol:
My dad used to make the best pancakes.

They were about an inch thick, fluffy, and tasted awsome.
you know, honey is great on pancakes. mmm. think me will make some tomorrow a.m.
Until the start of this year I had never had waffles. It only came about because my boyfriend was given a penguin shaped waffle maker (on account of him being a geek and Woddles looking kind of like Tux).

As a result, I have discovered I absolutely love waffles (especially choc chip ones).
But the shake pancake mixtures can be pretty good too - particularly buttermilk flavoured ones. My sister makes the most brilliant pancakes from scratch... but my dad always makes them from brown flour and puts lots of oats in them. Ick!
I like both. But on waffles I like the strawberry with whipped cream.
Love em both. But I make much better pancakes than I do waffles.
Until the start of this year I had never had waffles. It only came about because my boyfriend was given a penguin shaped waffle maker (on account of him being a geek and Woddles looking kind of like Tux).

As a result, I have discovered I absolutely love waffles (especially choc chip ones).
But the shake pancake mixtures can be pretty good too - particularly buttermilk flavoured ones. My sister makes the most brilliant pancakes from scratch... but my dad always makes them from brown flour and puts lots of oats in them. Ick!

Those are so cute, YESINDEED!