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WikiLeaks Publishes Afghan War Secrets


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This just in: Slashdot reports:
A number of readers submitted word on the massive WikiLeaks release of Afghanistan war documents. "The data is provided in CSV and SQL formats, sorted by months, and also was rendered into KML mapping data." WikiLeaks provided the documents in advance to the New York Times, Der Spiegel, and the UK's Guardian — the latter also has up a video tutorial on how to read the logs.

From the Times: "A six-year archive of classified military documents... offers an unvarnished, ground-level picture of the war in Afghanistan that is in many respects more grim than the official portrayal. The secret documents... are a daily diary of an American-led force often starved for resources and attention as it struggled against an insurgency that grew larger, better coordinated and more deadly each year. The New York Times, the British newspaper The Guardian, and the German magazine Der Spiegel were given access to the voluminous records several weeks ago on the condition that they not report on the material before Sunday. The documents — some 92,000 reports spanning parts of two administrations from January 2004 through December 2009 — illustrate in mosaic detail why, after the United States has spent almost $300 billion on the war in Afghanistan, the Taliban are stronger than at any time since 2001."

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What is sad is WikiLeaks contacted the White House before putting the info out their. And the White House didnt respond or care. I would bet money that we will find out the White House was involved in this to help get out of the war.
What war? There never was a war on terror. It was all a sham just like 911. Lets be honest here, we have the technology to end a war in a week. But that wouldn't make them any money, so you get a nice fake war. As for secrets, I dont see any secrets there.

A secret would be us supplying the enemy with the guns they were using against us, or how about the fact Bin Laden was on the USA payroll. Or maybe the fact that it was all a sham. But oh well, I guess people know that secret by now
What war? There never was a war on terror. It was all a sham just like 911. Lets be honest here, we have the technology to end a war in a week. But that wouldn't make them any money, so you get a nice fake war. As for secrets, I dont see any secrets there.

A secret would be us supplying the enemy with the guns they were using against us, or how about the fact Bin Laden was on the USA payroll. Or maybe the fact that it was all a sham. But oh well, I guess people know that secret by now

There were names of all these soldiers and special ops, cia that have filed reports throughout the years. This alone is a huge secret let loose.

I fully admit we could have done a better job fighting in Iraq in the begining. But over the years we have taken out numerous terrorists.

As for Afghanistan the soviets tried bombing them back to the stone age. Problem is they never left the stone age in the first place. You cant beat that country that way unless your going to drop nukes all over the place. Our special ops go in there and make friends with the villages and all the people. And over time earn their trust and help. This is going to take many, many years to win this.

Im about the most distrusting person out their when it comes to our government doing the right thing for the people. But there is nothing out there that shows 9/11 did not happen from terrorists.
There were names of all these soldiers and special ops, cia that have filed reports throughout the years. This alone is a huge secret let loose.

I fully admit we could have done a better job fighting in Iraq in the begining. But over the years we have taken out numerous terrorists.

As for Afghanistan the soviets tried bombing them back to the stone age. Problem is they never left the stone age in the first place. You cant beat that country that way unless your going to drop nukes all over the place. Our special ops go in there and make friends with the villages and all the people. And over time earn their trust and help. This is going to take many, many years to win this.

Im about the most distrusting person out their when it comes to our government doing the right thing for the people. But there is nothing out there that shows 9/11 did not happen from terrorists.

There is no war dude. Its all about money. And there is science that proves its impossible for planes to take those towers down. Not to mention the WTC7 building that fell due to fire. Its all a massive BS smoke screen. It was preface for their fake war, and then they used it to rob us of most of our civil rights. That's the problem with this world people ask for the truth but continue to deny it when its handed to them.
We will just have to agree to disagree on the wars.

And as I said im a suspicious person by nature. And ive read all the silly stuff trying to prove it was fake. Its all BS just like the silly people who say steel doesnt melt. Or that bombs were placed inside the towers. Really! Have you seen how much c4 it takes to take a old buiding by pros demo experts. And some how they managed to do this throughout both buildings and knowing where all the vulnerable spots are without anyone catching them. And all the family members in the planes who called their loved ones before the end. That was fake also? Were they then killed to by our government? Or did they choose to never see their kids, wives, husbands again. Its just plain silly.
I think I heard about this on Fox News the other day. They said it should be treason too what this guy did. Obama is a putz for not being outraged about this, but then again he is about the most anti-american president this Nation has ever seen. Ever notice how obama always uses the word "notion" in speech repeatedly? Or am I the only one?
i think i heard about this on fox news the other day. They said it should be treason too what this guy did. Obama is a putz for not being outraged about this, but then again he is about the most anti-american president this nation has ever seen. Ever notice how obama always uses the word "notion" in speech repeatedly? Or am i the only one?

Slashdot runs a Guardian article saying that the Wikileaks donation account has been frozen. So, no more bribes to US military staff for gathering info?

---------- Post added at 12:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:38 AM ----------

p.s.: I find it interesting that Moneybookers, the company that collected the donation money for Wikileaks is controlled by a group named Investcorp in Bahrain. Seems like Wikileaks has become too hot a potato for them now since the US government has gotten involved. Was Wikileaks really just a ploy to get to sensitive US data?
They shouldnt just have had their funding stopped. They should be arrested, brought to trail for treason, sent to jail and finally hung until their dead for putting brave soldiers at risk. Just like all the people in the New York Times should have been when they released military secrets.
I'm wondering though how true this statement is
The New York Times, the British newspaper The Guardian, and the German magazine Der Spiegel were given access to the voluminous records several weeks ago on the condition that they not report on the material before Sunday.

If so, then there goes the credibility of these three news sources.
I'm wondering though how true this statement is (...) If so, then there goes the credibility of these three news sources.

Why? It's been one of the very foundations of true journalism to acquire information from various sources ... including dubious ones!
Why? It's been one of the very foundations of true journalism to acquire information from various sources ... including dubious ones!

it's not the source really, but the fact that they agreed to report it only after a certain time. I surmise that these information is important, and damaging, and it would have been great to have it sooner.