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Will Windows phone succeed

Who do you normal stand behind?

  • Democrat

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tea Party

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Constitution

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Green

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Justice

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Libertarian

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Republican

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No one I am an idiot and don't vote :D.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Do you think the new Windows phone succeed in the market. As Android and iOS has taken up the market in huge mark. Will the windows phone reach new heights...

Share your opinion on it.
I think it will, as their new os has seen numerous downloads it will surely be a hit.
I think it will become a viable competitor, more successful than Blackberry 10, but not as wide used as iOS or Android. Android can go on most devices which means it is widely used, and then you have the iPhone, which is really the market's high end.
unfortunately, i think windows has died and ran it's last course of nothing. With all these tablet commercials for microsoft, and the inhability to get any actual carriers to market.. i think it's safe to say it's dead. and it's not coming back.
Yillb you are wrong. The new Nokia Win 8 phone are doing an awesome job. Many people are buying lumia nowadays and the no of Win 8 mobile users have gone up. I think Win 8 will rise up soon and many will change their line towards this OS>
Who do You Vote for?

This is really easy. What party do you most vote for? Or stand behind when you vote.
I will lead off though I stand in line with the Tea Parties ideals I don't always agree with who they back. Last election they backed Romney in the end and he was a poor choice to throw behind. So I vote for the Constitutional Party Candidate Virgil Goode. Though they are backing Rand Paul and so am I though I hope he wins and does not drop out of the Race.
Your poll is pretty offensive because I'm one the people who does not vote. I don't want to participate in a political system that I have barely any interest in it. Plus, I feel like my vote doesn't even count these days.
I vote for the conservative candidate. I vote for adherence and respect to the constitution and for those who stand up for the citizen and their rights. I vote for those who realize they are seeking a job that represents the tax payer...not rules him. I seek only qualified and competent people for the job. You can call me one sided but my opinion was built over years of watching the political system in this nation and the cronies who profit from it.
HappyMonkey said:
Your poll is pretty offensive because I'm one the people who does not vote. I don't want to participate in a political system that I have barely any interest in it. Plus, I feel like my vote doesn't even count these days.
Well then it is offensive but it is my right to be offensive yes or no?

How would you know unless you voted. The only way to make change is to be a part of change. To say you have no voice without knowing whether you have one or not is wrong to. Not to have an interest in things that effect your life in my opinion is stupid because everything the government votes on or does effects you in someway shape or form.

Also if that is how you feel then you should really have no opinion on what the government does or does not do. Yet I seen you post in a few threads in this section which tells me you on some level do have an interest in it.

I will tell you what I tell other who don't vote. If you don't vote you can't complain about what the government does or does not do.

So if you are offended oh well it is the truth.
Chris said:
I will tell you what I tell other who don't vote. If you don't vote you can't complain about what the government does or does not do.

I have more of a right to complain about the government than you do. I'm not the one voting in people who end up doing terrible things, and who are completely dishonest. If you vote in someone who messes everything up then I have the right to complain about that stuff. Not you, the person who got fooled by some politician.
HappyMonkey said:
I have more of a right to complain about the government than you do. I'm not the one voting in people who end up doing terrible things, and who are completely dishonest. If you vote in someone who messes everything up then I have the right to complain about that stuff. Not you, the person who got fooled by some politician.
Lmao actually no you don't. Why because you are the fool who does not help any side win. You sit on the sideline like a fool and watch the world go by and hope for the best. I got fooled by no politician. I voted for who I though was best.
I did not got for Clinton in 1996 I vote for Ross Perot. In 2000 I did not vote for either of the main candidates because again I found them both to be fools and dishonest that was Bush and Gore I voted for Buchanan of the reform party. 2004 election again I did not vote for either of the main candidates Bush and Kerry equally both are corrupt morons. I voted again for Badnarik of the Constitution party. Then lets fast forward to 2008 McCain and Obama. A moderate and a Newbie to politics. Both again were not my cup of tea. I saw Obama as too liberal and doing more harm then good. I view McCain the same way. I did not vote for any of the Candidates that year that were on the ballot. I wrote Ron Paul's name on my ballot and cast my vote. Now the most recent election Romney and Obama I could go on about both candidates. I vote Virgil Goode of the Constitution party.
See I take part in the process the problem with people who don't is they complain they want change and the government does not do **** for them yet like ****es they sit there with their thumbs up their **** and don't try to effect change. They rather the world turn into rainbows and lollipops for them yet in reality the only thing you are willing to do is watch the country go to **** without letting your voice be heard. It takes more then a few people to make change happen. See i study this why because I don't want my kids to inherit **** when they get older. So I study look for people who seem better suited for a job. SOmetimes I win sometimes I don't. I don't vote for the corrupt I research who I plan on voting for.
I figure you can't be no older then 20 still wet behind the ears in my book hopefully one day you will grow up and realize everybody need to partake in or for change to occur. If not you are just one of the sheep that don't give a ****. That in my book takes away your right to complain about what the government does to you because you are dumb enough to let them do it and get away with it. The difference is I am not that dumb.