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Windows Freeware Top Ten List


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Top Ten Windows Freeware

Welcome to another edition of the vitalous weekly top-ten list.

This week featuring: Windows freeware!

Startup Control Panel by Mike Lin

This puppy is number one, and with good reason--it's just that good!

Actually, Startup Control Panel doesn't really do anything that you yourself can't do without it. But what it does do it does quick, thus saving you time digging in your Windows registry. Your system will be safer too--imagine the power going out while the registry editor has about fifteen branches open.

We've all been there. Install something new then not like it. Okay, fine. I'll just uninstall, right? You do, but ever since your system seems slower and maybe startup takes longer. You fire up regedit to find two thirds of the uninstalled proggy is still there! You start deleteing. And deleting. But you have to remember to hunt down all of it to keep it from running at startup. But with Windows having so many different 'startup' keys, you might miss one.

Adobe, Logitech, Nero, and many more all love adding to system startup. Startup Control Panel can turn off or delete any of them with one click. To me, any Windows installation should be considered incomplete without it!

Grab it at: http://www.mlin.net/StartupCPL.shtml
Also by Mike Lin: Binary and Clipomatic.

Home: http://www.mlin.net/

In alphabetical order, here are the rest. There's nine of them, trust me. (Hey, I wouldn't cheat ya!)


More than just a processor identifier, CPU-Z also gives you info on BIOS, memory and motherboard. To me it's especially useful since Intel's own processor indentifying program is one of the most worthless things I ever installed. Heck, Intel's is even worse than Java!

Also see PC Wizard!

Home: http://www.cpuid.com/


Let me get the only two bad things out of the way. First, and most imortant is the name. When I see 'zilla' tacked onto the end of anything, I think of Netscape, Mozilla, Firefox, and Thunderbird. When I see 'file' prefixed before anything I think of a P2P sharing program. Even though the 'Z' is capitalized I still say this thing has the wrong name. Only other issue is the user interface. Layout is great looking on Windows 2000 and below, but dismal on Windows XP. With XP now being six and a half years old there's no reason not to have alpha-blended buttons and widgets.

Everything else about FileZilla rocks the freeware wasteland!

Get it! Got it? Good!

Home: http://filezilla.sourceforge.net/
Project: http://sourceforge.net/projects/filezilla/


Editing is a much more personal experience than using other applications. And, there's almost as many editors as personalities too. The one feature that makes Notepad++ stand out though is 'Brace and Indent guideline Highlighting.' Place caret/cursor near an opening bracket and the coreponding closing one changes color! Hey, why didn't you think of that? This really helps me out for JavaScript and PHP.

Notepad++ is goodly!

Home: http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/
Project: http://sourceforge.net/projects/notepad-plus/

Resource Hacker (ResHack)

It's fun to extract goodies out of executable files with this thing. Note: it was pointed out to me once that using such a utility on commercial (non GPLed) programs would surely be a violation of their license agreement. Duh!

Home: http://angusj.com/resourcehacker/


Oh sure, you could go out and buy an undelete utility, but that's just dumb!

Home: http://www.geocities.jp/br_kato/


Simply the undisputed file sharing champion!

Home: http://shareaza.sourceforge.net/
Project: http://sourceforge.net/projects/shareaza/

Spybot - Search & Destroy

Do I really need to say anything here?

Home: http://www.safer-networking.org/

Web Album Generator

I use this anytime I want an album with thumbnails on a non-PHP site. I even used it on my ASA Northwest Tour race pictures here: http://nwt.vitalous.com/pics/

Also see Araneae!

Home: http://www.ornj.net/software/webalbum/


The best image/media browser/viewer. Way faster than Adobe Bridge, and knocked IrfanView off of my list!

Home: http://www.xnview.com/

And that's that.

Don't miss the next vitalous weekly top-ten list.
(Released about every six months or so.)

Thanks for the list.. its a nice list... going to test it... some of it intrigues me
Thabks buddy for providing and sharing this type of information with us.
and by the way... can you provide us a link to where we can find this top ten list of yours??? maybe theres more to look and download...