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wordperfect vs. word


Part Of The Furniture
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i use both and MUCH prefer wp. does anyone else use either/both of these? and if so, which do *you* prefer?

just curious ...

"it's easier to stay out than get out"
I started out using WP back in the 80s but then when I joined the military, started using Word a lot more. I'd say Word is better but that's only because I haven't worked with WP in a long time.

" I'll take 'the-rapist' for $200, Alex "
We've got both installed on the PCs in the lab here, and once I find where I put my CD of WP, I'm getting rid of it. I can't stand it...ughhhhhh!!!

*needs to wash his hands now, he feels so dirty just typing those 2 letters*

My knob tastes funny.
uncle pwos, why do you hate wp? i find it much easier to use than word.

"it's easier to stay out than get out"
Can I just ask... They're both WYSIWYG programs. How is one easier to use than another?!?

spidergoolash: "heh, a cup of diesel dan - mwahhha"
me: "heh, a cup of me is like a cup of heaven!"
i like the fact that wp has the "reveal codes" function, so you see can exactly what you're typing. it's a lot easier to edit big, complex documents that way.

"it's easier to stay out than get out"
From a work standpoint, we run Office 97. So when I get an Email with an attachment, this is what happens:

I open Outlook97. I open my Email which uses Word97 as its editor. I see a WP attachment, so I click it to open it, which runs WP. I now have 3 topheavy proggies running on my PC which bogs everything down and causes my PC to crash often. (Mind you my system isn't the best to begin with.) If we all used Word here, we could fully utilize that funky Outlook/Word option where you just open your Email and it's automatically formatted the way you need it to be.

From a personal standpoint, I've been using Word since 1993, back when I had a Mac Color Classic. I know how it works, I know how to find commands, it's easier for me. Perhaps if I'd used WP for as long, I'd be more comfortable with it. Perhaps, no, I *would* be. I suppose it's just personal preference.

I say, go with whatcha like, spiderg...the point of having these to begin with is to make your life easier. It'd make my life easier if I got rid of WP is all.

And I don't hate WP, I hate zucchini. Blecch!

My knob tastes funny.
Never had the opportunity to use WP, I've always used Word. I think I'll stick with what I know.

"To each his own."
Ok, this is WAY offtopic, but... Poss, you hate zucchini? Have you ever tried zucchini bread? With CoolWhip... Man, that's some good $h*t! Mmmm... I'm starting to think I have to go to the grocery tomorrow and pick up some zucchini and coolwhip. Yuuuummmmyyy!

Back on topic, I hate Word. I'd love WordPerfect if it weren't so d*mned unstable. As it is, I only tolerate it. Fortunately, I never have to use either! I've only written one paper in the past, oh, 2-3 years.

Hindsight is always 20-20. But looking back it's still a bit fuzzy. --Mustaine

i cant stand word. it never does what i want it to
finity!? i was just talking about you yesterday - wondering where you've been! don't ever disappear like that again or there will be hell to pay

oh and btw, getting back to the topic, i'm glad you feel the same way i do about wp

"it's easier to stay out than get out"
Word all the way for me.

By reveal code, which codes? Word may actually have waht you're talking about.

"The great pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself too."

- Samuel Butler
I used both last year and I found that I like word more then WP. I dont really have any particular reason and I actually like them both. So I say use what you like.

uh yeah . . .