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Working From Home

Dreek Lass

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A lot of people think that being able to work from home is a myth, or that those who attempt to are often scammed back into the real world and forced to get a 'real' job, where they have to adhere to a boss and commute back and forth every day.

I don't like the idea of having to work, especially because I am someone who gets bored really easily. I just can't imagine doing the same thing every day for a job, for years. I like making music, but that doesn't necessarily mean that I want to do it every day, and I don't want to think that if I don't do it, then I will not be able to survive, because I will have no money.

I am currently working from home, and I have three methods that generate income for me.

Do you earn money online too? If so, how?
Both my parents work from home. My dad is a systems analyst and my mom takes apart and puts together components for a gold plating company.

My only source of income is selling artwork online.
Both my parents work from home. My dad is a systems analyst and my mom takes apart and puts together components for a gold plating company.

My only source of income is selling artwork online.

Really? I think it is cool that both of your parents work online too :) My mother was disappointed that I didn't go to college or university, because I was supposed to be the smart one in the family. Instead I earn money online instead. Such a disappointment lmao! I don't mind though. I enjoy knowing that I am essentially my own boss and that I can work when I feel like it, without having to worry about anybody else? That grants me invaluable peace of mind. People are way too finicky. The only problem is when the internet goes off for whatever reason. Then you lose out on money, especially if the internet is out for an entire day.

You sell artwork online? What kind of art work, and did you create these pieces of art yourself? I used to sell my music online, until I stopped.
The only money I'd earn online would be from here if we ever got really popular (here's hoping). I don't have any particular talents I could utilize to earn money online.
Really? I think it is cool that both of your parents work online too :) My mother was disappointed that I didn't go to college or university, because I was supposed to be the smart one in the family. Instead I earn money online instead. Such a disappointment lmao! I don't mind though. I enjoy knowing that I am essentially my own boss and that I can work when I feel like it, without having to worry about anybody else? That grants me invaluable peace of mind. People are way too finicky. The only problem is when the internet goes off for whatever reason. Then you lose out on money, especially if the internet is out for an entire day.

You sell artwork online? What kind of art work, and did you create these pieces of art yourself? I used to sell my music online, until I stopped.

I embrace the furry fandom and I create artwork of people's character's for them :)
Perhaps this use to be the case where working from home was a pipe dream. A pipe dream that had many being scammed, and I can include myself in with those who got scammed over the years. However, the Internet started to change that, there are now legitimate ways to earn money online. I have made money as a freelance writer, and am now taking as shot at writing e-books. So, there is money to be made out here online, it just takes effort to find those places, and taking the time to invest in yourself.
Hi yes i too work and earn from home by doing reseller business online . Reseller is nothing but selling products or services of others by fixing high rate and earning money by getting commission from them . To do this business we need to have a reseller account ...I got this account from the vendor Goresellers.com here they are providing two packages basic and pro reseller plan you can sign in one among them ...Once you signed in for account they will provide you with everything we need: products, support, even a professional web site.Our site comes online once we signed up .The process begin with select the products,set retailing prices for those products ,finally customize out website as we wish .We don't need to handle any billing or customer support all are in the hands of the dealer who render us the account .After selling those products they will return back the commission amount to us..I am earning enough money by this method.
A lot of people think that being able to work from home is a myth, or that those who attempt to are often scammed back into the real world and forced to get a 'real' job, where they have to adhere to a boss and commute back and forth every day.

I don't like the idea of having to work, especially because I am someone who gets bored really easily. I just can't imagine doing the same thing every day for a job, for years. I like making music, but that doesn't necessarily mean that I want to do it every day, and I don't want to think that if I don't do it, then I will not be able to survive, because I will have no money.

I am currently working from home, and I have three methods that generate income for me.

Do you earn money online too? If so, how?

Hi Friend,

Thanks for posting this thread, you have not informed us what are those 3 methods to generate income from home. How much you are earning per month and what is the time you are spending to generate that much income for month.
I've heard of people being able to work from home but I've never found such a job. I would like to be able to do a job where I can work from home but I wouldn't know how you would go about being able to find a job that allows that. Every job I've had, I've had to commute to some place outside the home.
I've heard of people being able to work from home but I've never found such a job. I would like to be able to do a job where I can work from home but I wouldn't know how you would go about being able to find a job that allows that. Every job I've had, I've had to commute to some place outside the home.

You can be a drop shipping company where you buy from another place and sell to clients, you just being a middle man and earn a profit from that.
That isn't true... alot of people I know work from home. Just depends on your job.
I have a regular job and I don't think working from home, is a good idea for me, as I don' t have any real talents except my coding skills.