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Working on Thanksgiving


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This is a topic that comes up every year at about this time. Stores being open on Thanksgiving earlier and earlier. I will give my take on this and perhaps you can give yours. I am definitely interested.
Personally, I don't think that stores should open very early, if at all on Thanksgiving. It is supposed to be a holiday where families can get together and spend time together. I know if I had family come from all over to spend time with me and I had to go to work and miss them would not fare well with me.
On the other hand, I think that businesses are getting greedy over this. Yes, I know lots of businesses make a good portion of their income during the holidays and they want to make as much money as they can, but isn't Black Friday good enough?
I generally do not go to malls or shop brick and mortar stores during the holidays because, 1) I don't like crowds, and 2) I don't want to get trampled to death at Walmart trying to buy a Christmas present.
This is a time for families to spend time together on a national level and other than occupations that require you to work on this day, (ie: police, fire) I feel that most businesses should close.
I for one will NOT be one of those people who will go shopping on Thanksgiving. Besides....too many good football games on that day!
For two years I missed both Christmas Eves, Christmas Days, New Years Days and Boxing Days (I made sure I had Christmas Eve off, so I had at least a little break from the long hours) because I was working in a pub & grill.

The majority of the staff would be in by 11am latest and finish at around 7pm after all the tidying is done. I hated it - thank my personal God that I'm no longer in that trade.
Aw, c'mon, Thanksgiving is one of the most American traditions we've got! We spend all day squabbling with our families, watching bad T.V., and then stuff our ever-loving faces full of too many servings of turkey, before eventually passing out on the living room floor. How much more American can you get? :friendly_wink:

I don't believe most stores should be open on Thanksgiving, no. This should be a day for family and friends, not pushing up Black Friday a day sooner. Goodness sakes, Black Friday is a horrid enough event on its own. We don't need it creeping into other holidays.