Worried about the U.S. economy...


Chief Talker
PF Member
Well, here I am unemployed for a month now and the economy seems to have been slipping--I suppose it was doing that even before the election but in my (admittedly biased) eyes it seems to have gone downhill even faster after George W. was confirmed.

I'm really worried about what this means for me, especially because during my own lifetime, my family and I have done much worse personally while Republicans have been in the White House than we have done while Democrats have been there.

The prospect of tax cuts doesn't make me feel ANY better. Tax away, as long as I have a job that brings me income to tax!!

Any of you Republicans out there want to reassure me a bit? KNS? Anyone?

<FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial">[This message has been edited by hermanm on January 22, 2001 at 01:44 PM]</font>
I & my family (a long line of blue-collar workers) are in the same situation, hermie...and I wish I made enough to be eligible for a tax cut, too!

What do you think is the cause of the economic hardship - other than "the Republicans are in charge"? I think in the 80's it was because of our nation's impetus to build our military while neglecting paying people a living wage, for one...

I'd be curious to hear your thoughts!

My knob tastes funny.
Well, I'm willing to be talked out of blaming the Republicans, but I want to hear a good argument that will persuade me to do so.

I guess the thing that worries me is that the Republican party as a whole tends to favor big business over individual workers. Giving them huge tax breaks, etc etc. This sort of thing stifles innovation because the little guy can't compete, and the big guy wants to do things the way they've always been done. That means discouragement of the very thing that has been really driving our economy the last several years. I'll be the first to admit that the whole Internet boom was completely insane and there was way too much growth, too fast, and it was due for a correction. But so many cool new things have been invented that I'm really happy with it in the long run. I just worry that all this innovation is going to be stifled.

I also agree about overemphasizing the military in the 80's...sure it's important to have a military, but not at the expense of the very country the military is there to protect.
Come on, doesn't anyone have a rebuttal for me? I want someone to prove me wrong...

Now I'm even more depressed
Aw, come on, sheer up - at least we'll all be broke and jobless *together*

My knob tastes funny.
I am lucky to work in the private educatio sector where real-world economics have no tangible effect. But even still, there is a dark feeling in the office today. Not as bad, I suppose, as the day after the actual election. It is an odd time as we have a president who not only did not win any popular election, but only won our crazy, outdated, classist Electoral College, by being the last man standing in a knock-down dragout legal fight. He was chosen by the Supreme Court after the state courts chose the other guy.

And we wonder why Europe taunts us.

In 4 years I say we end the charade and flip a coin. We'd save money.

my eyes, the goggles do nothing

<FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial">[This message has been edited by jourgenson on January 22, 2001 at 01:57 PM]</font>
The economy has actually been slowing for the past 9 months. The reason is, is that Tech Stocks FLOPPED! These dot coms that made the Nasdaq SURGE all failed because they had horrid business models.
Now oil prices are SKY ROCKETING because we are overly dependant on the aribs that HATE us and people aren't spending as much money, because they don't have as much to spend. Back when every one was making money off these Dot Coms there was TONS of money to be spent because intrest rates were LOW, gas prices were LOW and people were making twice their investments in the stock market.
This has nothing to do with Republican or Democrat (although we could blame the gas prices on the democrats..but let's not) This has to do with bad Dot Com promises.

Good enough argument for ya

System.out.println("Signature coming soon");
Well you're entitled to your opinion herman and both parties are responsible for faults in our government. Neither Republicans nor Democrats are anywhere near perfect. Republicans help rich people, Democrats help poorer people and both try to help the elderly. Lets face it, with republicans in office, the economy will drop, but with democrats in office the armed forces and military power will drop. It's all about the Republican-Democrat war (not the subject at hand, but gov't itself...STUPID gov't). So you can blame the Republicans as much as you want! Freedom of speech! And republicans can blame democrats all they want! Freedom of speech! I happen to agree with Herman here though

Cuz the truth about the world is that crime does pay!!!
-Green Day
Justin's Swing Palace
Hermie can I just whine with you?
Although Allen Greenspan decided last spring to engeneer a slight recession I think that things are gonna get worse now that dubya is in the house(sorry kns). I hope that he can prove me wrong but I really dont know if he can. So hermie I will join you in a big cry

Mother Should I Trust The Government - Pink Floyd

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