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Would you be a school teacher?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Maybe

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Well, I currently am a school teacher so I picked yes. Sometimes it can be stressful and difficult, but it can also be pretty rewarding.
My story starts back in high school, I originally wanted to do some form of Information Technology so I completed all of my high school coursework. However, I decided in my senior year of high school that I wanted to do business, so I completed all of the business coursework. After high school, I went to a 2-year community college and got my associate's degree in business management. Now, over the past several months I've been determined to go back to college to become a teacher. With this being said, I voted yes.
No, I don't think I would ever train to become a teacher because it's a very hard job and you have to prep so much to ensure the children learn enough and the correct things each day. I wouldn't have it in me to keep a lesson going that's entertaining to keep everyone engaged.
I have done teaching practice in the past and it was a sweet experience. Teaching kids that are ready to learn makes teaching easier for any teacher. I won't like to take up teaching fulltime since it won't be that easy for me.
From my experience and observations, I found out that teachers are the most underpaid workers. They work so hard but get paid so low. I won't let any of my kids want to become a teacher.
Oh no way, I would not be able to handle being a teacher and having to look after 20 to 30 children in a classroom that have no interest in learning! That sounds like one of the worst jobs.

Not to mention all of the preporation work you have to do to ensure all of your classes have an agenda and work to complete. Sounds way too hard for me, I like the job I have right now.
I was never interested in a teaching job, however, I once taught my cousin. These days I am trying to teach my own kid. Interestingly, I have teachers in my family. My wife is a teacher, my father was a teacher before he became a journalist. My sister is also a teacher.
I remember when I was a kid, I always said I would love to be a teacher and I would love to be able to work in a school as a teacher but as I got older and saw just how much teachers go through, I got more and more put off being a teacher and instead, after I left school I decided to work towards becoming a teaching assistant over becoming a teacher. As much as a teaching assistant does have a lot of work, it isn't as much as a teacher and the stress isn't as much either. With me not dealing with stress very well, being a teacher wouldn't have been the best job for me.
Teaching is not for me. I tried it. It worked sometimes. However, it was in situations where the kids were well behaved.

The bottom line is I am too nice to be a teacher.
I was initially not interested in the teaching career but since im my country that is the only course that is a job guaranteed l would take it.
Nope, your hands are tied by regulations and you can't properly teach without making parents mad. Such sad times we live in.
I have actually been a teacher for years and it was a beautiful experience for me. That being said, it is a very stressful job and if it is not your passion, don't enter. Till today, I still miss my times as a teacher helping to mould destinies. But I had to move on.