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Glasgow, Scotland, UK
If you had the chance, would you like to re-do your school days? If whatever the reason may be, would you do it all over again? :p
I think some things about it would be good such as i could get better exam results, etc.. but there are other aspects of school i wouldn't like to re-live. :p
I love school but to make it worthwhile a hard major is needed - and it's very tough. In fact, linear algebra practically destroyed my dreams of a math degree.
I hated school. I hated the snobby teachers who thought they were better than us. I rather teach myself and provide for myself. :)
no i would go about things differently since i left school maybe even my last year but my whole high school years no chance
No I wouldn't go back to school even if I had the choice. I liked school because I spent a lot of good times with my friends but it's all over now and I've moved onto new things.

I don't have any regrets and feel like I did well at school so I wouldn't need to go back and 'fix' anything. It might be nice to experience things back then, but I feel like life as an adult is way better and I'm doing lots of fun and exciting things.
Maybe although it depends on whether I would just relive exactly what happened or if I would just be able to live through that period in my life again. I didn't really like school that much as I found it hard to do the work and fit in.

I think if I had the chance to go back and do it all again I might try and change who I was a bit to try and have more friends but I think my life turned out really well anyway and I think I had it a lot easier than some other people.
Honestly if I could go back to school I would love to. Because then I'd take computer courses and get a better understanding of programming. :p I would love to go back to college if it wasn't so dang expensive here. I would probably also try to make more of an effort to make more friends too, I was super shy at school growing up.
I am 45 now and have had enough college. Well, I did go back in my late 30s to study math and it wasn't wasted time. Anyway, at this point, I want to focus on projects regarding my skills, not going to school to learn more.
This is a wild talk that I won't want to experience. Having to go back to school where I experienced a lot of mental stress is what I forbid in my entire existence, unless I am returning because I want to teach.
If I could go back to school I would like to, yes. Many may think I am crazy for saying that but in all honesty, with me getting bullied through much of my early years in school and not really enjoying school until I got to year 10 I feel like I missed out on so much. It really is true when your parents tell you to enjoy your time in school as it will be the best time ever, you never believe that when you are a kid but when you get older, you realize it really was the best and easiest time of your life.

f I was ever able to go back to school again, I would go back and enjoy my time more.