As part of making recent changes to Yahoo, they also
reset most everyone's preferances to "yes" for their
marketing literature. This is especially important to you
if they have your correct phone number and address for
snail mailings.
Go to your Account Information screen (for each and every
ID you have) and about mid screen you will see "Edit Your
Marketing Preferences" link. Click on it and set them back
to the way you want them, otherwise get ready for *LOTS* of
advertising spam type emails from Yahoo's advertisers. Note
also at the bottom, that you will be marked YES for 'By US
Mail' and 'By Phone' as well.
Just clicking "save these changes" on the preferances page
should work,
but notice also on the page which comes up next, (your
"review my account
information" page) there is a "Finished" button in the
upper right
corner, hit it too.
It's been suggested you replace your information with
this (Their information)
Mr/s. Stop Spamming Me
701 First Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94089
reset most everyone's preferances to "yes" for their
marketing literature. This is especially important to you
if they have your correct phone number and address for
snail mailings.
Go to your Account Information screen (for each and every
ID you have) and about mid screen you will see "Edit Your
Marketing Preferences" link. Click on it and set them back
to the way you want them, otherwise get ready for *LOTS* of
advertising spam type emails from Yahoo's advertisers. Note
also at the bottom, that you will be marked YES for 'By US
Mail' and 'By Phone' as well.
Just clicking "save these changes" on the preferances page
should work,
but notice also on the page which comes up next, (your
"review my account
information" page) there is a "Finished" button in the
upper right
corner, hit it too.
It's been suggested you replace your information with
this (Their information)
Mr/s. Stop Spamming Me
701 First Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94089