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your first computer


Part Of The Furniture
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i bought my first pc in 1991. it was an ibm/ps1 w/2 megs of ram and a 250 mb hard drive - hahhhehehehhahah ...

i used to do mailings for a guy i worked for. it could only handle one command at a time, so while all my letters were printing i just sat there while it spit out letters. there was also the "internet" back then. the only one was prodigy. it took 15 minutes for the page to load and there was no pictures (that i remember) - and i thought all of this was great.

funny thing is, as much of a dinosaur that it was, i used it for eight years and didn't have one problem w/it. it was still spitting out mailings and all sorts of crap for me until a year ago when i bought the pc i'm using now. go figure.

"it's easier to stay out than get out"
First computer I ever worked on was a Commodore PET, which was in an after-school program in 5th grade.

First home computer I owned was a Commodore 128. Decent machine, but really only good for games.

First PC I owned was a used IBM PS/2 Model 50. A sturdy 286/10 with 1MB RAM, the ever-wonderful MCA bus, and a whopper of a 20MB hard drive. Installed Stacker to drive it all the way up to 38MB. Had DOS, Word Perfect, and the original Wing Commander installed on there.
I still have that machine in my dad's basement (he won't throw it out because he's convinced it will be a collector's item), and have since inherited a PS/2 Model 50Z, which was basically the same machine with a 30MB hard drive.

First new machine was a Digital Starion P100. Still running for my grandfather, with some slight upgrades, like extra RAM and a second hard drive.

Amazing that all of the computers I've ever owned are all still in working condition.

From another BBS:
"hmm... Cyrix III, huh? You can put syrup on sh*t, but that don't make it pancakes."
My 1st was a BBC (had it in 1984 when I was 5), then a BBC Master.
1st PC was an XT, 20meg hdd, can remember how much mem, then an AT (286).
Now I have dual processor PIII 450 (waiting for dual athlon motherboard to come out).

[Edited by ukliam @ June 10, 2000 (edited 1 time)]