What was:
Your first word? The first thing my mum heard me say was "go away". Definitely could have predicted my personality of today.
Your first toy? I have no idea.
Your first memory? I always tell people about this... I don't have memories, lol. I swear to god, before the age of 1- everything is a blur. I remember rooms, and faces, but I don't remember proper conversations or anything that normal people tend to remember >__<
The first film you watched? The first film I remember watching was Peter Pan (the cartoon version). That was the first I owned on Video, anyway. I think I must of watched something on TV before that.
Your first Tweet? "When @itsconnorbitch is at work I just sit here doing legit nothing. Jul 29, 2012 " - This was after I had previously deleted all the tweets before. I used an app to delete all my previous tweets for some reason.
Who was:
Your first best friend? Rochelle, a girl in my primary school class.
Your first personal crush? I don't actually remember... Probably a guy from the band Busted. :')
Your first celebrity crush? Probably a guy from the band Busted. :')
The first person to text you today? The first text I got today was a group imessage with Amyy and Nathan.
When was:
Your first kiss? It was with my friend Phoebe. It was terrible on my behalf.
Your first boyfriend? Connor. The first proper one anyway
Your first gig/concert? I've been to festival-type things with like a group of bands playing, but the first proper concert was Lawson, opened by Mike Dignam and Room 94. I went with my friends Julia and April.
Your first holiday? To Spain! With my family when I was like 13 idk.