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Your First Time?​

Okay, so I got this idea from YouTube, haha. But I thought it'd also be a good thread idea that'll also help get to know the other members better. If you can, try go into detail on some of the ideas. :)

What was:
Your first word?
Your first toy?
Your first memory?
The first film you watched?
Your first Tweet?

Who was:
Your first best friend?
Your first personal crush?
Your first celebrity crush?
The first person to text you today?

When was:
Your first kiss?
Your first boyfriend?
Your first gig/concert?
Your first holiday?

Feel free to add more questions to your own post. :)

What was:
Your first word?
Your first toy? A brown fluffy rabbit
Your first memory? Pretty sure I was lying in my cot and saw my dog at the time looking over the top. Otherwise, I'm not really sure.
The first film you watched? Probably a Disney film.
Your first Tweet? No idea. Too lazy to scroll back :P

Who was:
Your first best friend?
A girl called Jessica
Your first personal crush? A boy called Luke
Your first celebrity crush? No idea.
The first person to text you today? Kirk <3

When was:
Your first kiss?
I was 15, on my first date.
Your first boyfriend? Kirk if you count only "proper" ones.
Your first gig/concert? Went to a friends' gig a couple of months back.
Your first holiday? Isle of Wight? or perhaps Whitby
What was:
Your first word? I have no idea
Your first toy? That I remember? The Wayne Manor/Batcave. If I could get that toy today I would
Your first memory? I went to the falklands when I was 4 due to my dad being in the army at the time. I'm 20 now and remember it all
The first film you watched? According to my parents, I watched Batman(1989) at about the age of 3
Your first Tweet? Tweet? What the hell is a tweet?

Who was:
Your first best friend? I can't remember. My bestfriend has been my bestfriend for like 7 years now so xD
Your first personal crush? Probably my longest girlfriend when I was in high school
Your first celebrity crush? Jennifer Aliston
The first person to text you today? My friend Lindsay

When was:
Your first kiss? Years ago
Your first girlfriend? Age of 13
Your first gig/concert? I can't remember that
Your first holiday? Age of 4, to the falklands
What was:
Your first word? Mona
Your first toy? A white and pink beanie teddy.
Your first memory? A big brown and white rocking horse in front of me and wanting to climb on it but I was too small.
The first film you watched? I'm not too sure, it may possibly have been the Lion King though.
Your first Tweet? On my new Twitter: 'It's 5am and I'm still awake. I'm too lazy to get up and enjoy my privacy, so Google will supply your sunrise. pic.twitter.com/1Jkt5KamOS'
On my old Twitter: ''Sometimes I wish I had never met you, because then I could go to sleep at night not knowing there was someone like you out there.''

Who was:
Your first best friend? A girl called Michaela, we don't talk now.
Your first personal crush? A boy that used to live across the street from me called Nathan. This crush lasted years. o.O
Your first celebrity crush? I honestly believe it was David Bowie. I watched Labyrinth as a young child and listened to his music from an early age.
The first person to text you today? Nobody. :c

When was:
Your first kiss? A long time ago, with my first crush haha. I must have been about 9/10?
Your first boyfriend? Shocker. My first crush haha, probably about 10/11.
Your first gig/concert? I have never been to one.
Your first holiday? When I was about 8 or 9, to France.
What was:
Your first word? Mum, I think.
Your first toy? Some weird vibrating spikey thing.
Your first memory? Uh. Five minutes ago.
The first film you watched? Probably Aladdin.
Your first Tweet? Something stupid no doubt.

Who was:
Your first best friend? A boy called Daniel. Or was it Thomas?
Your first personal crush? Some girl from nursery.
Your first celebrity crush? Probably Lindsey Stirling.
The first person to text you today? My friend Steven.

When was:
Your first kiss? Dunno. Was too drunk.
Your first boyfriend? Some guy called Steve. If you mean girlfriend though, then nobody, really.
Your first gig/concert? Radiohead.
Your first holiday? South Africa when I was 4 years old.
What was:
Your first word? The first thing my mum heard me say was "go away". Definitely could have predicted my personality of today.
Your first toy? I have no idea.
Your first memory? I always tell people about this... I don't have memories, lol. I swear to god, before the age of 1- everything is a blur. I remember rooms, and faces, but I don't remember proper conversations or anything that normal people tend to remember >__<
The first film you watched? The first film I remember watching was Peter Pan (the cartoon version). That was the first I owned on Video, anyway. I think I must of watched something on TV before that.
Your first Tweet? "When @itsconnorbitch is at work I just sit here doing legit nothing. Jul 29, 2012 " - This was after I had previously deleted all the tweets before. I used an app to delete all my previous tweets for some reason.

Who was:
Your first best friend? Rochelle, a girl in my primary school class.
Your first personal crush? I don't actually remember... Probably a guy from the band Busted. :')
Your first celebrity crush? Probably a guy from the band Busted. :')
The first person to text you today? The first text I got today was a group imessage with Amyy and Nathan.

When was:
Your first kiss? It was with my friend Phoebe. It was terrible on my behalf.
Your first boyfriend? Connor. The first proper one anyway :)
Your first gig/concert? I've been to festival-type things with like a group of bands playing, but the first proper concert was Lawson, opened by Mike Dignam and Room 94. I went with my friends Julia and April.
Your first holiday? To Spain! With my family when I was like 13 idk. :)
What was:
Your first word? Walrus (I had a book with them in it)
Your first toy? Flopsy my cuddly bunny
Your first memory? Maybe play group where there was a mouse
The first film you watched? I don't know...
Your first Tweet? I've had loads of accounts but I got my first one a few years back to support one direction on the x factor... so probably something like "I love one direction" haha weird I dread to think what my user was

Who was:
Your first best friend? Technically this boy called Callum, but I don't really remember him so I usually say Bethany lolz
Your first personal crush? This boy called Connor when I was in like year 2
Your first celebrity crush? Idk D:
The first person to text you today? My bruv

When was:
Your first kiss? Last year... I was either 14 or 15... I didn't even like him as a person haha don't really like thinking about it
Your first boyfriend? Never had a proper one, only had meaningless ones ngl
Your first gig/concert? One Direction wey hey
Your first holiday? Probably France because we always went to France
What was:
Your first word? Mum
Your first toy? Henry the teddy
Your first memory? Stealing sweets from my birthday cake on my third birthday
The first film you watched? Mary Poppins
Your first Tweet? Twitter virgin here

Who was:
Your first best friend? Tyrone my neighbour
Your first personal crush? Naomi when I was 7 or 8 I think
Your first celebrity crush? Natalie Portman
The first person to text you today? My mate Kris

When was:
Your first kiss? Chloe but I don't remember who old I was
Your first boyfriend? ^
Your first gig/concert? The Prodigy 2008
Your first holiday? France I think. When I was 4.
What was:
Your first word? idk
Your first toy? probably a barbie
Your first memory? seing my dad sick
The first film you watched? on cinema? the day after tomorrow
Your first Tweet? idk

Who was:
Your first best friend? Jaquelina
Your first personal crush? Fred?ric
Your first celebrity crush? I dont even know his name
The first person to text you today? my bf

When was:
Your first kiss? 2007
Your first boyfriend? 2005
Your first gig/concert? never
Your first holiday? 1992