zombie attack look to the right

sixer said:
Awsome that's really neat, you see combat or no and is the pay good? lol just saying.

Not often but I can be thrown into combat. I'm medical so I stay with the hospitals and the medical tents though. Not much of a concern really. The pay sucks. Civilians in my line of work get three times as much as I made on an hourly basis. I could be making over $40K a year in the civilian world but here I barely get $20K a year.
Wow I thought you would get more for saving lives guess not and 20k wow a year that'd not much my dads a judge lol gets over 100k I think not trying to brag I think its weird how you can earn more in civilian world then military. Though I did hear they are thinking of letting women into combat roles what you think of it?
Thank you for serving!

I'm currently searching for a job, but before I moved I was a pharmacist technician student at a local pharmacy that was owned by my godmother, I'll most likely start working at some retail store here shortly.
I work online. Nearly my full income is from Internet services, web hosting, and investments :P

Other than that, I currently have a 2 month long side job working for the government as some environment person. Fixing up some streams, river restoration, tree planting etc. Pretty easy going.
mrjohny said:
Hi, I am also working by internet most time, my dream is to create a full income from internet. I am also a translator, that is my main job.
May I ask what it is on the internet you do as your job besides translating?
Nicholas said:
I do not, wouldn't know where to start either lol.
Then not sure how the internet career applies to you :P Where to start would just be what your interested in.

For me, I invest into a lot of start up websites. I also own a Hosting company, I also own several websites of my own. And I just recently bought out a industry that I plan to make some money off of as well.