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  • That honestly is the best way to be with it.
    I was always lucky and very rarely got hangovers, but then I would drink what I knew I could handle and not go overboard enough for my body to heavily dehydrate itself while I sleep. :)
    I'm 20 in under two months. The novelty of the ability to drink in pubs and what not pretty much disappeared after a good few weeks. Then again, I had been clubbing when I was 17 and was allowed alcoholic beverages on special occasions when I was younger.
    I know people who are also nearing 20, some going for 26 this year, who still go out drinking all the time to become a drunken mess because they think it's fun...
    I don't know how they'd know, they struggle to remember the majority of the night other than the fact that they spent a hell of a lot of money on the thing making them forget.
    I don't mind a small drink every now and then, but I'd much rather not be surrounded by people wanting to be throwing themselves at people or throwing up over themselves while I do it.
    I think that's the reason I've looked for forums when I decide to become a bit more 'sociable', there's more people who are suited for me to talk to. :)
    It's pretty hard for me to find anyone like me within my social circle, paha.
    Far too interested in killing themselves slowly with cigarettes and alcohol.
    I'll give it a shot, but I can't guarantee anything. A lot of the people I know are rather... well, they wouldn't even pick up a book unless it was Twilight or 50 Shades of Grey, if anything.
    'General chat forums'. It's currently second on the list but it was first earlier. :)
    Haha no I tried the depo injection and its settled, hormonal BC doesn't work for me <_>
    Aww. :( Did you catch Kirk's boy cooties? lol j/k

    I'm doing good, thanks. Chilling as usual. lol
    I finish mine on Wednesday. So tired, stressed right now. I'll be back when they're finished. I miss mum not being home. :'(
    Hey! Congratz on your 1,000th post! :D How are you? have you finished college for summer?
    Since mum Rachel's gone to the hospice, Jilly her younger sis has been looking after me. She's 20, and flirted with him. She's beautiful and ultra intelligent so I thought I'd lost him to her. I ran off upstairs to the top and sat on the balcony and cried, thought I'd never stand a chance with her around. But no. Mark came up - didn't even hear him and he was behind me. Talk about stealth! And then he wrapped his arms around me, said I was the one for him. Because of the way I was. I can 'read' people very well and Mark wasn't lying. I asked him to be my guy, but take things slowly. For his sake and mine. He agreed and we sealed our special friend with a kiss.

    You adore roses, don't you? The deep dark fragrant velvety ones? He gave me three. :D
    Thanks for getting Kirk to do that. I'm glad you liked my story. I was err, bit shy at first about sharing it because I was scared someone would say I'm too young for Mark. I went to ok it with mum Rachel, but she was asleep at the time and I didn't want to disturb her. Instead I asked Jilly her younger sis who's 20, and looking after me and she said go for it, but go slowly. So thats what I'm doing.

    I'm not used to forums. I belong to mum's and another which does RPG/furries, but I haven't the time to write and further that interest. i love your forum you share with Kirk, its so cool and above everything, a very caring place. :)
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