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  • I'm doing okay! :) You? I've got work early tomorrow! I'm just posting around here for a bit!
    I can't sleep at night, either. I stopped sleeping at night back in 2010. I can't take OTC or prescription sleep meds (OTC I had allergic reactions to) because of my work schedule and I can't guarantee 8 hours a night.

    Sorry I'm just now getting back to you. I had to go to work yesterday and I had friends over today! What are you up to? Do you have pets?
    Nah not really. :p Going to pick up Lauren today and she's staying over the weekend, yippee! :D
    Yeah, the site opened in April! :)

    Evening shifts aren't too bad! I usually work 4-12 during the week and 2-11 on Sundays. I have worked overnight 10p-10a before. Now, that's a good way to mess up your sleep schedule! ;) Yeah, pulling several overnighters in a week's time can get you and all you want to do is sleep for awhile after!

    Thanks! Mono has been a **** for me. :/

    Thank goodness for Skype. I've used it and would still be using it, but my webcam doesn't work with Windows 7. I had Vista, but I upgraded. It's got to be so hard, though! I couldn't even imagine! :(
    We made it three months ago tomorrow. :p
    It's an awful lot of work, believe me, and it takes awhile. Google seems to be picking up on us more now though, as we rate highly for quite a few searches.

    Glad to hear. You been up to much today? :)
    Thank you! We've still got plenty of work to do, but we're getting there! In fact, I'm well chuffed since you found us on Google; kinda makes me feel successful. :p
    I'm good thank you; how are you? :)
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