Recent content by Pyroxy

  1. P

    FL Citrus growers fire on Pheds

    You are correct that they are not the same caliber of violation. Unfortunately though, it is still criminal activity. If someone of the street tries to deprive you of your private property do you have the right to defend it? YES, you do. Does the fact that a person has a government title...
  2. P

    FL Citrus growers fire on Pheds

    !@#$ Dupe post, sorry
  3. P Monitor Fiasco - Case Closed

    Hanger 18....... ---------------------------- Regards, Pyroxy Is it time for another Tea Party? Hell YES it is!
  4. P Monitor Fiasco - Case Closed

    The post below was reinstated by Alien. DD: I promise you that SkiBum KNEW well before he posted his comments regarding contracts that there was in fact a valid contract established once a company accepts payment. He did not have the resources available to provide you with the actual contract...
  5. P

    Middle Eastern Violence

    The UN will itervene and send in a "peace force" Do you find it somewhat disturbing that the Palestinians are mainly just throwing rocks while the Isrealis are firing rockets & missiles, using tanks, attack helicopters, jets, etc? ---------------------------- Regards, Pyroxy Is it time for...
  6. P

    FL Citrus growers fire on Pheds

    Do you think it would have been Ok for the people at the Auschwitz death camp to pull guns on their jailers who were just following orders also? Just because an official has a state title does NOT give them the right to violate your right to due process of law which is all to common these days...
  7. P Monitor Fiasco - Case Closed

    Why thank you mucho Alien I bet there will be some actual substantiation forthcoming shortly regarding this issue of contracts. ---------------------------- Regards, Pyroxy Is it time for another Tea Party? Hell YES it is!
  8. P

    IMPORTANT POLL - Vote now!

    ACK ! Who or what is that? ---------------------------- Regards, Pyroxy Is it time for another Tea Party? Hell YES it is!
  9. P

    The American Chernobyl

    This happened Wednesday October 11, funny the mainstream media isn't reporting this. FYI, the Exxon Valdez disaster was 11.2 million gallons of oil. This is approximately 22 times larger than that spill -- "This is worse than an oil spill", said Tommy Evans of Inez. "This is what they wash...
  10. P

    Democrat or Republican?

    A republican form guaranteed by our Constitution, hence a Constitutional Republic. See below. You are correct, but I did not say that unalienable appeared in both documents, I said "your *natural rights* proclaimed in the Constitution & Bill of Rights are unalienable" Has the Bill of Rights...
  11. P

    Democrat or Republican?

    Please refer to Section IV, Article IV of the United States constitution, we live in a Constitutional Republic. PERIOD ! There is a gross fraud that has been perpetrated on the America people regarding making them think we are supposed to have a...
  12. P

    Anyone from the Ohio River valley? Looks like some genuine fun Oct 13, 14 & 15 On a 2nd ?un?related note, give this a listen. Particularly the first 15 minutes. Interesting commentary regarding the middle east situation...
  13. P

    Capital Punishment

    , liltaz probably knew your post would ignite another of my extreme replies. I hope if you are not familiar with the accounts of the incidents I refer to that you read them. Your post is greatly welcomed here. ---------------------------- Regards, Pyroxy Is it time for another Tea Party...
  14. P

    Capital Punishment

    Sure, I'm all for capital punishement provided there are safeguards such as 2+ witnesses and no excluded class of persons. They can begin with the sharpshooter that shot Vicky Weaver right between her eyes as she stood in the door of her cabin at Ruby Ridge, Idaho with her ten-month-old...
  15. P

    The law that never was - re: IRS Fraud

    "In 1984, William J. Benson of South Holland, Illinois, (a gun-toting criminal investigator for the Illinois Department of Revenue, for approximately 10 years) commenced a project to examine the process of the ratification of the 16th Amendment to determine if the amendment had really been...