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    You are too sweet! Thanks for the nice wake up! I'm not good at putting pics in messages...

    Hope you have another good day! Did you finish all your organizing? That's inspiring. I need to get moving on organizing things. But I just don't feel like it. I was happy to get the 1st floor of the house clean yesterday. Now to attack the 2nd floor, but it's a good day for the sun and swimming....procrastinator is my middle name...
    Have a great day!!!
    LMAO...You really are a stupid piece off ****...pull your bipolar delusional head out of your **** ( have another poor me post to blog about) and figure out it just isn't peeps on FST that think you are is peeps all over the world wide web.
    I AM good peeps! LOL. So I was saying what a Newbie I am... and innocently posted something on the "dog needs a chew toy" and got all torn to shreds! Caused some controversy overnight and didn't even mean to! I was just sharing a story that happened.
    No problem, I'm so glad that you had the guts to totally call her out on it. I usually try not to create waves but also felt strongly on this one. We have to fight for our kids, they are our hearts!
    Is it bad I like the Strawberry Soy Joy's?? LMAO... I got some Mango too... I have heard HORRIBLE things about the Berry so I stayed away! YUMMERS!!! :lol:
    HEY! I'm also on CM in your group. (babygirl5151999) I didn't know you were in Keno, I'm in Waukegan LOL. Small world.
    HEY! I'm also on CM in your group. (babygirl5151999) I didn't know you were in Keno, I'm in Waukegan LOL. Small world.
    oh good!!!! im glad to see you again! i had missed your postings, you always brought smiles to my face:)
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