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  1. F


    I bought it about 3 weeks ago and its really good one thing i enjoy a lot about it is the mods you can get some of them make the game so much better and enhance the gameplay so much compared to regular minecraft i would recommend mine craft comes alive because thats boss for villages etc.
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    IPhone VS Android?

    Iphone, they have more and better features compared to the android.
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    Harry Potter

    Read them all they are all so amazing. You will love them
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    Percy Jackson Series

    Read the whole series, it was epic and I couldnt put it down.
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    What's Your Favorite Game(s)?

    Kingdom hearts two of course, awesome story and gameplay.
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    Zelda: Skyward Sword

    I love how they put the cell shading in it but put the newer battle systems in it.
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    Metal gear solid 4

    One of the best games ever, I love the long cutscenes and advanced storyline. Plus amazing gameplay.
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    Who else out there absolutely loves Dubstep? I really love their work.
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    Who's your favorite band?

    I like Dubstep,pretty awesome work they have going on.
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    Weird Music That You May Enjoy.

    I like random japanese songs because of the music nott the words... >_>
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    Black Ops VS MW2?

    Black ops is better, requires more skill to do anything.
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    I dont want to see it how about you guys?!?!?!?!
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    What is your Hobby?

    I like playing games mostly! And other stuff to but i have no life
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    Official World of Warcraft Thread

    World of warcraft Discuss this awesome game! :DD Anyone who has awesome mounts post about them.[hr] Also, people post about their best gear and stories in wow too.