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    For the darkest day...

    thats beautiful night!!
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    In need of some advice

    Sometimes I wish people would think about the other persons feelings, and how much they are hurting them. It just sucks and I know I can move on and find someone that will treat me right, but yes I am hurt a lot and it may take some time to heal.
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    Long or Short-for Men Only!

    thats a pretty good pic irish!! lol
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    In need of some advice

    I am okay now, at first I was really depressed because of the whole thing, I mean we were pretty close for well 7 months now but only have be "dating" for two weeks, but the feelings were still there. I think my friend who went with me thinks I am mad at her, which I am not, cause it wasnt her...
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    In need of some advice

    Someone please help me out with this problem I am having... I am going to start at the beginnin (short story hopefully) When I started my job I met this guy named jim and I cut his hair a few times, than all of a sudden he stopped coming in. One night when I was out with the girls I had ran...
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    Word Association - You know you want to play it!

    Random Word Association 5 young
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    Word Association - You know you want to play it!

    Random Word Association 5 shoes
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    Do you believe in ghosts? or you got a story

    I believe in ghost big time, when I lived in my dads house we would always here stuff moving around upstairs and all 6 of us would be sitting in the living room having family time, when we were younger dad had the house sectioned into two and rented out the front part (a duplex) and an elderly...
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    Word Association - You know you want to play it!

    Random Word Association 5 houses
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    Word Association - You know you want to play it!

    Random Word Association 5 people
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    Dating is Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I think dating sucks too, I dated a great guy all through highschool and even when I got out of school.. than one day we decided that we go our sep. ways, that was three years ago and I have tried dating different people and it seams like when I find someone that I can 'see' myself with...
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    When you're married....

    oh, believe me guys, when I found out he was married I left and didn't turn back, I have been cheated on way to many times to even THINK about it. I know what his poor wife is going through!!
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    I have 6 tattoos and I love them all and I am glad that I did get them in places that I can hide them if needed. I also think its disgusting if people get their whole body tattoo'd. What are they going to do when they are old and gray sitting in their wheelchair thinking to themselves, why did...
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    When you're married....

    Okay I went out last night to a local bar and I was approched by a good looking man, and we talked and danced, he bought me a couple drinks and things seemed to be hitting it off nicely (I am single and I thought hey.. awesome) well just about bar close some girl comes up to me and asked if I...