Search results

  1. L

    Whats your favorite programming language?

    HTML and CSS because it's what I know, and does what I need.
  2. L

    Are you a Mac or PC?

    I'm a mac. I converted over a few years ago, and I've never looked back. I can do SO much more, and it doesn't have nearly as many kinks and problems as windows.
  3. L

    Your thoughts on my newest

    You haven't updated much, but the initial impressions this time were MUCH better. Good work, mate!
  4. L

    Do you correct your errors

    I do attempt to correct the majority of my errors, though I may miss a few every now and then.
  5. L

    Morning, Afternoon, or Night

    Night is the best, as I sleep all morning.
  6. L

    Your thoughts on my newest

    I don't mean to sound too harsh, but the first thing that came to mind when I saw it was "Ew" The /\ Slopes on the navigation look odd, and the background should flow right into the content area, and not come to black first. You other themes, such as Caesuis do showcase some good elements though.
  7. L

    Boo, its snowing!

    Honestly, I wish I was in your position. I am an avid skier, and we have yet to see new snow in quite a while. It does really suck.